Research Article |
Corresponding author: Marco A.L. Zuffi ( ) Academic editor: Günter Gollmann
© 2019 Federico Storniolo, Sacha Menichelli, Marco A.L. Zuffi.
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Storniolo F, Menichelli S, Zuffi MAL (2019) A long-term study of a snake community in north-western Tuscany (central Italy): population structure and density patterns. Herpetozoa 32: 101-107.
We analysed a snake species community of a Mediterranean 0.2 ha ecotonal area during a 21 year time span, monitoring two colubrid and one viperid snake species. We carried out analyses in seven years (1997, 1999, 2002, 2004–2005, 2016–2017) that had similar sampling efforts and, in the last two years of short-term monitoring, we applied a recently proposed monitoring protocol of the Italian Environment Ministry. In total, we captured 172 distinct individuals, 61 whip snakes (Hierophis viridiflavus), 26 barred grass snakes (Natrix helvetica) and 85 asp vipers (Vipera aspis). Regarding the long-term monitoring period, whip snakes were captured on average about nine times per year, grass snakes were captured four times per year and asp vipers were found 12 times per year. Captures decreased in whip snakes, while increased in grass snakes and remained constant in asp vipers. In 2016 and 2017, we captured 10 whip snakes, 19 grass snakes and 31 asp vipers. Density estimates of snake species (0.5 H. viridiflavus/ha, 0.3 N. helvetica/ha and 0.7 V. aspis/ha) differ, to a certain extent, from published results for some other areas of central, northern and western Europe, perhaps depending on the approach applied for habitat suitability estimation. The average body size between two years differed neither for whip snakes nor for grass snakes, but it decreased significantly in asp vipers.
Wir untersuchten eine aus zwei Natternarten und einer Vipernart bestehende Schlangengemeinschaft eines mediterranen Ökotons über einen Zeitraum von 21 Jahren. Wir analysieren 7 Jahre (1997, 1999, 2002, 2004–2005, 2016–2017) mit ähnlicher Sammelintensität; für die letzten beiden Jahre brachten wir mit engmaschiger Überwachung ein kürzlich vorgeschlagenes Monitoring-Protokoll des italienischen Umweltministeriums zur Anwendung. Insgesamt fingen wir 172 Individuen, davon 61 Gelbgrüne Zornnattern (Hierophis viridiflavus), 26 Barren-Ringelnattern (Natrix helvetica) und 85 Aspisvipern (Vipera aspis). Auf den langfristigen Untersuchungszeitraum bezogen wurden durchschnittlich 9 Gelbgrüne Zornnattern, 4 Ringelnattern und 12 Aspisvipern pro Jahr gefangen. Die Fangquote für Gelbgrüne Zornnattern nahm ab, während sie für Barren-Ringelnattern anstieg und für Aspisvipern konstant blieb. In den Jahren 2016 und 2017 fingen wir 10 Zornnattern, 19 Ringelnattern und 31 Aspisvipern. Die Dichten der Schlangenarten (0.5 H. viridiflavus/ha, 0.3 N. helvetica/ha and 0.7 V. aspis/ha) unterscheiden sich etwas von Literaturangaben für andere Gebiete von Mittel-, Nord- und Westeuropa, vielleicht abhängig von der angewandten Erfassungsmethode zur Abschätzung der Habitateignung. Die durchschnittliche Körpergröße zwischen zwei Jahren unterschied sich weder für Zornnattern noch für Ringelnattern, aber nahm für Aspisvipern signifikant ab.
central Mediterranean Italy, Colubridae, density, long-term analysis, Reptilia: Serpentes, Squamata: species occurrence, Viperidae
Although modern biological and zoological research have shown the importance of snakes in environmental studies as indicator species (
Furthermore, given their intrinsic characteristics as wide home ranges of some species (
Recently, the European Union has underlined the need for continuous monitoring plans of animal and plant species and habitats of community interest, aimed at environmental assessment, conservation, protection and management of the species and habitats (Council Habitats/Directive 92/43/EEC of 1992: article 17). According to this point, monitoring protocols have been adopted in Italy in the last years (Italy:
We have been therefore aimed at considering i) population dynamics and fluctuations of a snake community through a long time span (
Long and short term analyses are intended to provide suitable information about species relative abundance and habitat suitability.
In this research, carried out in Tuscany, Central Italy, we considered four species of snakes that are commonly widespread throughout the Italian territory. The Atlas of amphibians and reptiles of Tuscany (
The studied area is an ecotone characterised by the transition from the Tombolo mixed forest (Pisa, central Italy) and the Tyrrhenian coast (43°38'52.63"N, 10°18'18.28"E) (DMS), next to the Arnino Laboratory (Department of Biology, University of Pisa), formerly a cultivated field and now abandoned. The ecotone is north-south orientated (facing westwards), with a small pathway dividing the area in two contiguous segments of 500 m length each, for a total of 1000 m, 2 m width and an overall estimated surface area of 0.2 ha. It falls inside the range of the SIC (“Sito di Importanza Comunitaria”), now ZSC (“Zona Speciale di Conservazione”) “Selva Pisana” (code IT5170002), an area of the Regional Park “Migliarino San Rossore Massaciuccoli”.
Sampling and data recording were carried out from 1995 to 2017 with different sampling efforts. Continuous and comparable research efforts, during the whole of the snake’s active season, were carried out in 1997, 1999, 2002, 2004–2005, 2016–2017: sampling has been carried out from the beginning of the snake’s outdoor activity to the end of active season (March-October), on average twice a week by two or three operators (one being the same during the whole study period, MALZ) for 5 hrs per sampling session. We performed the sampling by repeated surveys along the ecotonal transect, alternating North to South and vice versa, patrolling the direction and ensuring that the sampled area was covered during all day hours. Snakes were visually detected, captured by hand and carefully examined, sexed, measured and marked for further recognition, with ventral clipping and a serial enumeration system, suitable for at least four years (
The long term analysis considered all different snake age classes, we recorded (newborns, juveniles, adult males, adult females) and we aimed at verifying general life-history dynamics of each species, that is population stability, decrease or increase.
The short term analysis was carried out with the aim of controlling the area of previous research, after ten years of no research, in order to verify any change in occurrence patterns and species abundance. In parallel, the monitoring protocol at national level (
In our analyses, we used the large dataset of seven years of investigation distributed over a 21 years period. The Aesculapian snake (Zamenis longissimus) has been excluded from the analysis due to the very small sample size (only a few records in the last ten years). We applied a χ2 on all the data that meet the test assumption, i.e. applicable when not more than 20% of all the cells have an expected frequency lower than five (
In the long-term analysis, we obtained a different pattern depending on the species considered (Fig.
Species | Sampling year | Total | ||||||
1997 | 1999 | 2002 | 2004 | 2005 | 2016 | 2017 | ||
H. viridiflavus | 17 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 4 | 7 | 3 | 61 |
N. helvetica | 0 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 9 | 10 | 26 |
V. aspis | 3 | 4 | 14 | 9 | 23 | 19 | 13 | 85 |
Considering the pattern for each year, we recorded 0.3 to 1.7 H. viridiflavus/100 m, 0.1 to 1.0 N. helvetica/100 m, from 0.3 to 2.3 V. aspis/100 m. If we considered the available suitable surface of our transect, approximately of 0.2 ha, we could infer a yearly density variability of 15–85 H. viridiflavus/ha, 5–50 N. helvetica/ha and 15–115 V. aspis/ha. If we consider a theoretic hectare of suitable habitat (i.e. five times our study area), we have to consider the ecotonal area bordering an hypothetical figure, as for simplicity of calculation, on a pentagon of 1000 m side or on a quadrate of 1250 m side: in this hypothetical scenario, our target habitat would represent the ecotones of a much larger area of ca. 172 or 156 ha, respectively. The estimated minimum-maximum densities should therefore be 0.09–0.49 or 0.1–0.54 H. viridiflavus/ha, 0.03–0.29 or 0.03–0.32 N. helvetica/ha and 0.09–0.67 or 0.1–0.74 V. aspis/ha, respectively.
In 2016–2017, during 29 surveys, we captured, marked and recaptured 164 snakes, 60 of them individually marked. Only one H. viridiflavus, three N. helvetica and seven V. aspis were recaptured at least one time, only three V. aspis were recaptured at least three times, unfortunately preventing any further population analyses (e.g. recapture rate, survival etc.). The χ2 test confirmed that no significant variation in population density occurred (χ2 = 1.611; df = 2; P = 0.447) (Table
Period of the surveys | Species | Total | ||
H. viridiflavus | N. helvetica | V. aspis | ||
2016 | 7 | 9 | 19 | 35 |
2017 | 3 | 10 | 12 | 25 |
Total | 10 | 19 | 31 | 60 |
In addition, population average body size varied significantly amongst years for each species (H. viridiflavus: F=2.244, df=6, P=0.037; N. helvetica: F=5.892, df=4, P=0.003; V. aspis: F=7.299, df=6, P < 0.0001) (Table
H. viridiflavus | N. helvetica | V. aspis | |
1997 | 891.2 ± 169.6 | 341.7 ± 136.5 | |
1999 | 1071 ± 44.3 | 540 ± 120.5 | |
2002 | 793.4 ± 344.6 | 509.5 ± 128.6 | 275.4 ± 177.1 |
2004 | 861.0 ± 189.9 | 1053.5 ± 99.7 | 385.1 ± 148.0 |
2005 | 896.5 ± 100.7 | 918 | 356.4 ± 176.4 |
2016 | 925.4 ± 63.5 | 771.7 ± 105.1 | 572.3 ± 91.3 |
2017 | 663.3 ± 345.3 | 864.4 ± 192.2 | 425.3 ± 98.1 |
For each year, we considered six randomly selected surveys to test the validity of monitoring techniques. During these 12 monitoring surveys, we captured 31 snakes in total, six H. viridiflavus, six N. helvetica and 19 V. aspis, that is on average 2.58 snakes/day (0.5 H. viridiflavus, 0.5 N. helvetica and 1.58 V. aspis per day).
Our study highlights that monitoring and analysing dynamics and ecology of snake species-community needs a long-lasting sampling effort to assess patterns of variation in species dynamics, in changes of population structure or even in ecology and phenology phenomena (
During 2016–2017, in our study area, the average body size of H. viridiflavus and N. helvetica did not change differently from the recorded significant variations in population abundance, underlining significant effects only on the snake occurrence, as found in
Finally, we are therefore confident that the monitoring system protocol of the Italian Environment Ministry (
We are indebted to Regional Park Migliarino San Rossore Massaciuccoli for permission to enter protected areas since 1997 and consecutively up to 2017 and to the Ministero Ambiente for permission for capture, handling and marking animal species of the Habitats Directive in years 2007–2008 (0009336 DPN), 2012–2013 (0008324 PNM), 2014–2017 (prot. 0011515 PNM) (all to MALZ). We also wish to thank Masters and PhD students who helped in the field in previous years: Elena Cecchinelli, Sara Fornasiero, Federico Giudici, Paola Lippi, Marina Macchia and Paolo Saviozzi. Finally, we formally adhered to the guidelines for “Good Scientific Practice“ and, concerning the studied animals, the applicable national and international regulations were observed (Austrian Herpetological Society, 2017). Uwe Fritz kindly translated the abstract to German. To Luca Luiselli and to an anonymous reviewer, we express our gratitude for the effort in revising our paper, providing precious suggestions and comments.