Research Article
Research Article
A new species of Thamnophis (Serpentes, Colubridae) from Jalisco, Mexico, with a discussion on the phylogeny, taxonomy, and distribution of snakes related to Thamnophis scalaris
expand article infoChristoph I. Grünwald§|, María del Carmen G. Mendoza-Portilla§, André J. Grünwald|§, Carlos Montaño-Ruvalcaba|§, Héctor Franz-Chávez|§, Uri O. García-Vázquez, Jacobo Reyes-Velasco§
‡ Biencom Real Estate, Ajijic, Mexico
§, Villa de Álvarez, Mexico
| Biodiversa A.C., Chapala, Mexico
¶ Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México, Mexico
Open Access


Garter snakes in the genus Thamnophis from Mexico have a long and convoluted taxonomic history. From 2015 to 2022, we conducted a comprehensive sampling of Mexican Thamnophis species, aiming to link molecular phylogenies with the recognized species related to T. scalaris in the highlands of Mexico. Here, we present an analysis of mitochondrial DNA to resolve the status of two enigmatic highland Thamnophis populations. Our research resulted in the identification and morphological characterization of a previously undescribed Thamnophis species from the state of Jalisco in western Mexico. We also clarify the identity and relationships of several previously enigmatic populations of Thamnophis. This work presents new data for Thamnophis phylogenetics from the Mexican highlands and offers a framework for future conservation efforts.


Las culebras del género Thamnophis de México tienen una historia taxonómica larga y complicada. De 2015 a 2022, realizamos un muestreo integral de las especies de Thamnophis de México, con el objetivo de conciliar la filogenética molecular con las delimitaciones de especies establecidas en el complejo relacionado con T. scalaris en las tierras altas de México. Aquí presentamos un análisis del ADN mitocondrial para resolver las trayectorias evolutivas y el estado de dos enigmáticas poblaciones de Thamnophis de las tierras altas. Nuestra investigación resultó en la identificación y caracterización morfológica de una especie de Thamnophis no descrita previamente del estado de Jalisco en el oeste de México. También aclaramos la identidad y las relaciones de varias poblaciones de Thamnophis previamente enigmáticas. Este trabajo presenta nuevos datos para nuestra comprensión de la filogenética de Thamnophis del altiplano mexicano y ofrece un marco para futuros esfuerzos de conservación.


Strumpfbandnattern der Gattung Thamnophis aus Mexiko haben eine lange und verworrene taxonomische Geschichte. Von 2015 bis 2022 führten wir eine umfassende Probenahme der Thamnophis-Arten Mexikos durch, mit dem Ziel die Phylogenetik mit etablierten Artenabgrenzungen im T. scalaris Komplex im Hochland Mexikos in Einklang zu bringen. Hier präsentieren wir eine Analyse der mitochondrialen DNA, um die Evolutionsverläufe und den Status zweier rätselhafter Thamnophis-Populationen aufzuklären. Unsere Forschung führte zur Identifizierung und Charakterisierung einer bisher unbeschriebenen Thamnophis-Art aus dem Bundesstaat Jalisco im Westen Mexikos. Wir klären auch die Identität und Beziehungen mehrerer bisher rätselhafter Thamnophis-Populationen. Diese Arbeit stellt neue Daten für unser Verständnis der Phylogenetik von Thamnophis aus dem mexikanischen Hochland vor und bietet einen Rahmen für zukünftige Schutzbemühungen.

Key Words

Adelophis, conservation, errans, godmani, pine-oak woodland, Mexican Transverse Ranges, scaliger

Palabras clave

Adelophis, bosque pino-encino, conservación, Eje Neovólcanico, errans, godmani, scaliger


Adelophis, Eje Neovólcanico, errans, godmani, Kiefern-Eichen Wald, Naturschutz, scaliger


The taxonomy of the Longtail Alpine Garter Snake, Thamnophis scalaris Cope, 1861, has been a subject of confusion since its description. Historically, Thamnophis scalaris was confused with both Thamnophis scaliger (Jan, 1863) and Thamnophis godmani (Günther, 1894), and these two species were considered subspecies of T. scalaris at one time (Smith 1942). The type specimen of T. scalaris was collected near Xalapa, Veracruz (Cope, 1861). Later, Cope (1887) referred additional specimens from Orizaba, Veracruz, and nearby localities in Puebla to T. scalaris. Jan (1863) described T. scaliger but did not specify a type locality, leaving the association of this name with certain Thamnophis populations unclear. However, it should be noted that Jan had access to material collected by François Sumichrast in Xalapa and other areas of Veracruz at the time he described T. scaliger (Grünwald et al. 2015, p. 402).

The first accounts of Thamnophis scalaris from Jalisco were derived from material collected by A. C. Buller in 1892, which Boulenger (1893) reported as “Tropidonotus scalaris.” His concept of T. scalaris was based on seven specimens from Jalisco (which we now recognize in this study as a distinct species) and one specimen from Oaxaca, which was likely mislabeled. Later, Smith (1942) reviewed the Thamnophis of Mexico and considered T. scaliger and T. godmani to be subspecies of T. scalaris. Smith et al. (1950) also examined specimens of Thamnophis at the Natural History Museum, London, and categorized the Jalisco specimens reported by Boulenger (1893) within their concept of T. scalaris scaliger. Subsequently, Rossman and Lara-Gongora (1997) removed Thamnophis scaliger from the synonymy of T. scalaris and proposed a neotype for T. scaliger from Mexico City. This was done in order to preserve the name “T. scaliger” for the population that Smith (1943) and Smith et al. (1950), among others, had associated with it. Jan’s (1863) description was extremely vague, and Smith (1942) recognized this and ignored the issue regarding the lost “T. scaliger” type and decided to apply the name to one of the morphologically distinct populations that he had at hand. At the time Rossman and Lara-Gongora (1997) were investigating the group, most authors were following Smith’s (1942) concept of T. scaliger, so Rossman and Lara-Gongora (1997) wanted to stabilize the name T. scaliger, and thus they neotypified the name for populations in central Mexico.

Rossman and Lara (1997) helped clarify the relationships between T. scalaris and T. scaliger, and they considered T. scalaris to be distributed along the Mexican Transverse Ranges from western Jalisco east to central Veracruz and eastern Puebla. These authors partially recognized the distinct nature of the Jalisco T.scalaris” from typical T. scalaris in their review and grouped these individuals as part of their “western T. scalaris.” However, they continued to confuse these populations with true “T. scalaris” from eastern Michoacán and the high mountains around Mexico City. Unfortunately, these authors did not publish more specific data that would facilitate comparisons between the different geographical populations of T. scalaris.

Against this historical backdrop, our research was motivated by the discovery of garter snakes in Jalisco that were morphologically distinct and could not be assigned to any known species of Thamnophis. To resolve the taxonomic status of these populations, we undertook a comprehensive molecular and morphological analysis of Mexican highland Thamnophis. Morphologically, the Jalisco population appeared to be intermediate between T. scalaris and Thamnophis errans Smith, 1942, and molecular data were needed to determine their specific identity. This study presents these molecular findings and provides a morphological description of the Jalisco population, which we recognize as a new species. In addition, we resolve some longstanding taxonomic conundrums around T. scalaris. This work underlines the urgent need for conservation measures since the habitats of these populations are increasingly threatened by human activities. By clarifying the taxonomy of these garter snakes, we aim to establish a foundation for future research and conservation efforts in the highlands of Jalisco.

Materials and methods

Taxonomic sampling

We collected multiple specimens of garter snakes of the genus Thamnophis from the highlands of Mexico between 2015 and 2022. We photographed all live snakes, including dorsal, lateral, and ventral profiles, and euthanized them with pentobarbital. We took tissue samples from muscle or liver upon death and preserved them in 96% ethanol. We fixed specimens in 10% formalin and transferred them to 70% ethanol for permanent storage.

All collected materials were deposited at the Instituto de Investigaciones sobre los Recursos Naturales (INIRENA) of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH) in Morelia, Mexico; the Museo de Zoología, Facultad de Ciencias (MZFC) of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in Mexico City; and the Facultad de Estudios Superiores, Zaragoza (MZFZ) of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), also in Mexico City. Museum acronyms throughout the text follow Sabaj (2020). Specimen numbers for all material examined are provided in Appendices 1, 2. We were not able to measure type specimens of previously described taxa, so we used measurements of the type specimens provided in original descriptions and other published literature (Cope 1861, 1866; Jan 1863; Boulenger 1893; Smith 1942; Walker 1955; Rossman 1969; Rossman and Burbrink 2005). Measurements for T. errans were taken from Webb (1976), whereas measurements from Thamnophis sumichrasti Cope, 1866, and Thamnophis mendax Walker, 1955, were taken from their original descriptions.

Distribution maps were generated based on the GBIF database (, which includes both museum records and distribution records from the citizen scientist platform iNaturalist ( iNaturalist records were curated by us to assure that no misidentifications were present before generating the maps and are current up through January 2024. Observations that could not be positively identified were removed.

The mountains of central Jalisco have numerous other species of Thamnophis that occur in sympatry or near sympatry with the species described herein. These include Thamnophis copei (Dugés, 1879), Thamnophis cyrtopsis (Kennicott, 1860), Thamnophis eques (Reuss, 1834), Thamnophis melanogaster (Peters, 1864), and Thamnophis pulchrilatus (Cope, 1885). While these species are not closely related to the species described herein, we include them in our comparatives within the species description to aid in the identification of individuals in the field.

Measurements and character states

Abbreviations used in the text and tables are as follows: snout–vent length (SVL) , tail length (TL) , total length (TotL) , head length (HL) , head width (HW) , eye diameter (ED) , rostral height (RH) , rostral width (RW) , internasal length (INL) , internasal width (INW) , prefrontal length (PFL) , prefrontal width (PFW) , frontal length (FL) , maximum anterior frontal width (MAFW) , maximum posterior frontal width (MPFW) , parietal width (PW) , parietal length (PL) , loreal length (LL) , loreal height (LH) , mental length (ML) , mental width (MW) , anterior chin shield length (ACSL) , posterior chin shield length (PCSL) , internasal suture length (INK) , prefrontal suture length (PFK) , internasal rostral contact (INR) , rostral nasal contact (NR) , distance from frontal to snout (DFS) , muzzle length (MZL) , number of labials in contact with anterior chin shields (LCAC) , ventral scales (VS) (Dowling (1951) method and explained in Rossman et al. (1996) , subcaudal scales (SC) , dorsal scale rows at one head length behind parietal (DSRA) , dorsal scale rows at midbody (DSRM) , dorsal scale rows at one head length prior to anal scale (DSRT) , supralabials (SL) , infralabials (IL) , preoculars (PRO) , postoculars (POO) , maxilliary teeth (MT).

Scale measurements were taken in the following manner: HL, distance from the tip of the snout to the posterior border of the parietal scales; HW, distance taken at the posterior edge of the jaw; RH, the distance of the rostral scale from the median point of the mouth to the vertex formed by the internasal suture; RW, distance of the rostral scale measured between each suture formed by the 1st supralabial and prenasal; INL, distance of the internasal scale from its anterior border with the prenasal and rostral to its posterior border with the prefrontal; INW, distance from the prenasal to the medial suture between each internasal; PFL, distance from the postnasal, nasal, and internasal borders back to the border between the frontal and supraocular; PFW, distance from the postnasal to the median suture between the prefrontals; FL maximum length of the frontal shield; distance from the posterior part of the prefrontals to the medial union between the parietals; MAFW, the maximum width of the anterior portion of the frontal scale measured between each vertex formed by the prefrontal and supraocular scales; MPFW, the maximum width of the posterior portion of the frontal scale measured between each vertex formed by the parietal and supraocular scales, PW, distance from the union of the postocular and anterior temporal scales to the median suture between the parietals; PL, distance from the border between the supraocular and frontal to the posteriormost point of each parietal scale; LL, maximum length from the upper anterior border of the nasal to the lower posterior border with the preocular and supralabial; LH, distance from the supralabial to the union with the prefrontal and preocular; ML, taken from the medial point of the mouth to the posterior end of the mental scale, where the first pair of infralabials meet each other; MW, measured along the border of the mouth from one infralabial border to the other; ACSL, distance from the suture between the first and second infralabial posteriorly to the median suture between posterior chinshields; PCSL, maximum length from the union with the anterior chinshield and infralabial to the posterior border of the posterior chinshield; SC, counted on the left and right sides, with the first subcaudal scale interpreted as the first scale posterior to the cloaca that was not counted by the anal scale; Dorsal scales were counted at one head length behind the posterior edge of the parietals, at midbody, and at one head length before the anterior border of the anal scale. Muzzle length was defined as the combined length of the internasal suture (INK) and pre-frontal suture (PFK); muzzle shape was calculated by dividing INR by NR.

DNA extraction, amplification, and molecular analyses

All laboratory procedures were carried out at the UNAM FES-Zaragoza in Mexico City. We used a standard ammonium acetate protocol (Fetzner 1999) to extract genomic DNA from liver or muscle tissue. We then sequenced two mitochondrial loci: Cytochrome b (Cytb) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 (ND4). For Cytb, we used Gludg-L (Palumbi 1996) as the forward primer and ATRCB3 (Harvey et al. 2000) as the reverse primer. For ND4, we employed ND4 and ND4_Leu (Arevalo et al. 1994) as the forward and reverse primers, respectively. Both loci were amplified using a standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol: an initial denaturation at 95 °C for 3 minutes and 30 seconds, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 95 °C for 30 seconds, annealing at 53 °C for 30 seconds, extension at 72 °C for 1 minute, and a final extension at 72 °C for 15 minutes, with a terminal hold at 10 °C. The PCR products were purified using a polyethylene glycol method (Lis 1980) and sequenced by Macrogen Korea (Standard-Seq of Macrogen Inc.).

Raw chromatograms were trimmed and edited using Geneious v. 2023.1 (Biomatters Ltd., Auckland, NZ). To infer phylogenetic relationships from the new samples, we included additional sequences of the genus Thamnophis as well as two outgroups obtained from GenBank. All new sequences were deposited in GenBank (Appendix 2).

Each gene was aligned separately in MAFFT version 7 (Katoh et al. 2017) using the Q-INS-I option. The alignments were then concatenated using FASconCAT v.1.04 (Kück and Longo 2014). The final alignment comprised 1828 base pairs (1104 bp for Cytb and 724 bp for ND4), including sequences from 81 representatives of the genus Thamnophis and individuals each of “Adelophisfoxi Rossman & Blaney, 1968 and “Adelophiscopei (Dugès, 1879), as well as one individual of Nerodia erythrogaster (Forster, 1771) and Tropidoclonion lineatum (Hallowell, 1856) as outgroups. We calculated pairwise genetic distances in the mitochondrial, Cytb, and ND4 genes using MEGA X software (Kumar et al. 2018).

Maximum likelihood (ML) analysis of the concatenated dataset was performed using IQ-TREE (Nguyen et al. 2015) using the IQ-TREE web server (Trifinopoulos et al. 2016). We employed an auto-substitution model and conducted 1,000 bootstrap replicates for support assessment. Separate ML analyses were also performed for each mitochondrial gene. The resulting topologies are presented in Suppl. materials 1, 2.

For Bayesian phylogenetic inference (BI), we initially used PartitionFinder v1.1.1 (Lanfear et al. 2012) to determine the most suitable model of partitions and nucleotide evolution for each locus using the Bayesian information criterion (BIC). The identified optimal partitions were: GTR + I + gamma for the first codon position of both Cytb & ND4, HKY + I + gamma for the second codon position of Cytb, HKY + gamma for the second codon position of ND4, and GTR + gamma for the third codon position of both Cytb & ND4. Our dataset was organized accordingly by locus and codon position. We then conducted BI using Mr. Bayes v3.2.2 (Ronquist et al. 2012) on the CIPRES science gateway server (Miller et al. 2011). This analysis involved four runs, each with 10 million generations and a sampling interval of 1,000 generations, incorporating three heated chains and one cold chain. Convergence was assessed using Tracer v1.6 (Rambaut et al. 2015), focusing on likelihood and parameter estimate overlaps, effective sample sizes, and the potential scale reduction factor (PSRF). Convergence was achieved within 200,000 generations, allowing us to discard the initial 25% of each run as burn-in. The results of these runs were combined using TreeAnnotator 2.7.4. (Bouckaert et al. 2019) to create a concatenated tree and visualized with FigTree v1.4.2 (Rambaut 2014).

Considering that the topologies from both ML and BI analyses were almost identical, we have included only the maximum likelihood phylogeny in this paper, with the Bayesian Inference phylogeny provided as Suppl. material 3.


Molecular phylogenetic results

In our ML phylogeny (Fig. 1), we find concordance with prior evolutionary hypotheses, including those derived from mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) studies (de Queiroz et al. 2002), those combining mtDNA and nuclear DNA in their analyses (McVay et al. 2015, Deepak et al. 2022), as well as analyses by Hallas et al. (2022), which were based on ddRADseq data. The robustness of our phylogenetic nodes is largely high, with most nodes garnering greater than 95% bootstrap support. However, several internal nodes exhibited lower support values, so we collapsed nodes below the 50% bootstrap support threshold.

Figure 1. 

Concatenated maximum likelihood inference of the phylogenetic relationships of Thamnophis and closely related Natricines based on the mitochondrial genes Cytb and ND4.

Our analysis corroborates the delineation of three primary clades within Thamnophis, aligning with previous studies. The first clade, “Ribbon Snakes,” is composed of Thamnophis sirtalis (Linnaeus, 1758), Thamnophis proximus (Say, 1823), and Thamnophis saurita (Linnaeus, 1766), collectively forming a lineage sister to the remaining members of Thamnophis. The other sampled Thamnophis segregate into two major clades. The first of these, referenced as the “Widespread Clade” by de Queiroz et al. (2002), predominantly comprises species from the USA and northern Mexico. Our data support the close phylogenetic relationship between Thamnophis fulvus (Bocourt, 1893) and Thamnophis chrysocephalus (Cope, 1885), albeit with notable genetic divergence among T. chrysocephalus populations from Guerrero compared to those from Oaxaca and Veracruz. Further, the clade encompassing T. fulvus and T. chrysocephalus formed a sister lineage to a cluster of species endemic to the USA and northern Mexico, with Thamnophis cyrtopsis forming a sister relationship to a clade comprising species from the USA and Baja California, inclusive of “T. aff. pulchrilatus” and an individual matching the original description of Thamnophis vicinus Smith, 1942 (currently a junior synonym of T. cyrtopsis), which is notable as this population has never been studied phylogenetically.

In the other major clade, referenced as the “Mexican Clade,” our results recover an early split between T. nigronuchalis Thompson, 1957 + T. rufipunctatus (Cope, 1875), sister to all other lineages. This split is followed by the divergence of T. copei and T. melanogaster. Remarkably, this study represents the first inclusion of T. copei in a molecular phylogeny, revealing an unexpected non-sister relationship to T. foxi, which was its sole congener in the now invalid genus Adelophis (see below). The new species reported herein formed a polytomy with T. mendax, T. sumichrasti, and T. scalaris. That group was recovered as the sister clade to a group that includes Thamnophis exsul Rossman, 1969; T. errans + T. scaliger; and a group comprising T. foxi alongside T. bogerti Rossman & Burbrink, 2005; T. conanti Rossman & Burbrink, 2005; and T. lineri Rossman & Burbrink, 2005. However, it is noteworthy that the support for this latter grouping is very low, and T. bogerti, T. conanti, and T. lineri do not form monophyletic groups.

Finally, our BI analysis exhibited a high degree of similarity to those relationships obtained through maximum likelihood, with an almost identical topology. The key distinction lies in the variation of support values for certain groups. In the BI analysis, T. ahumadai was recovered as a sister to T. mendax + T. sumichrasti + T. scalaris, but with low support (posterior probability = 0.61). The BI tree, elucidating these differences, is presented in Suppl. material 3.

Our molecular results support the hypothesis that populations formerly assigned to Thamnophis scalaris from Jalisco, Mexico, belong to an undescribed species. We analyzed molecular samples from two isolated highland populations (Sierra Cacoma, Sierra de Tapalpa; Appendix 2) of “T. scalaris” from Jalisco. Both are each other’s closest relatives, with 100% bootstrap support. These populations fall within the “Mexican Clade” of our phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1). Together, these two populations are sister to a clade comprising T. scalaris, T. sumichrasti, and T. mendax, albeit with low bootstrap support (67%). The two Jalisco populations have similar genetic distances to their closest relatives. These genetic distances are 0.04–0.05 (ND4) and 0.03 (Cytb) to Thamnophis bogerti (as understood herein, see below), which appears to be their closest relative according to genetic distances. The two Jalisco populations also have genetic distances of 0.04–0.06 (ND4) and 0.03–0.04 (Cytb) from the superficially similar T. scalaris; 0.05–0.07 (ND4) and 0.04–0.05 (Cytb) from geographically proximate populations of T. errans; and 0.04–0.05 (ND4) and 0.04 (Cytb) from T. exsul. In comparison, the T. scalaris populations analyzed herein (Morelos, Estado de México, Querétaro, Puebla, and Veracruz) have intraspecific genetic distances of 0.00–0.02 (ND4) and 0.00–0.01 (Cytb). Within the T. scalaris populations analyzed, it should be noted that one specimen (AEVB 0104) from La Joya, Acajete, Veracruz had a ND4 genetic distance of 0.02–0.04 from other non-Veracuz specimens of T. scalaris. Similarly, another specimen (UOGV 3932) from nearby Nogales, Veracruz, had a higher Cytb genetic distance (0.02) from all other specimens of T. scalaris. These genetic distances are still low when compared to the interspecific genetic distances that we recovered between other species, but they are nonetheless interesting and may show evidence of hybridization with nearby populations of T. bogerti (see below).

Systematic account

Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov.

Figs 2, 4, 5, 7a–e

Proposed standard English name

Ahumada’s Alpine Garter Snake.

Proposed standard Spanish name

Culebra Listonada de Montaña de Ahumada.

Type materials

Holotype (Fig. 2). INIRENA 2933 (original field number CIG-1612). Adult male collected under a log in a marshy meadow near a pond, 2.8 km E of Cumbre de Guadalupe, Municipio de Cuautla, Jalisco, Mexico (20.168991, -104.684925, 2,353 m asl; datum = WGS84; Fig. 4a), by Christoph I. Grünwald, María del Carmen G. Mendoza-Portilla, Iván Ahumada-Carrillo, and Ginny N. Weatherman on 23 August 2019.

Figure 2. 

Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. holotype (INIRENA 2933) from the vicinity of Cumbre de Guadalupe, in the Municipio de Cuautla, Jalisco, Mexico.

Paratypes (Fig. 3). MZFZ 4593 (original field number CIG-0500) adult male collected under a rock on a hillside above a stream at Cumbre de Guadalupe, Municipio de Talpa de Allende, Jalisco, Mexico (20.168902, -104.711252, 2,137 m asl; datum = WGS84) by Christoph I. Grünwald, Héctor Franz-Chávez, André J. Grünwald, Ámbar Lanomy Grünwald, Janelle Morales-Flores, and Karen I. Morales-Flores on 11 July 2015. MZFZ 4594 (original field number CIG-1609) adult female collected under trash in a grassy meadow amongst pine forest, 1.5 km N of Cumbre de Guadalupe, Municipio de Talpa de Allende, Jalisco, Mexico (20.186581, -104.716188, 2,179 m asl; datum = WGS84), by Christoph I. Grünwald, María del Carmen G. Mendoza-Portilla, Iván Ahumada-Carrillo, and Ginny N. Weatherman on 23 August 2019. INIRENA 2932 and 2934 (original field numbers CIG-1611 and CIG-1613) adult male and adult female, respectively, with the same collection data as Holotype. MZFZ 4595 (original field number CIG-1610) adult male collected under rock in meadow, 4.2 km airline ESE of Cumbre de Guadalupe, Municipio de Tomatlán, Jalisco, Mexico (20.157217, -104.675059, 2,319 m asl; datum = WGS84), by Christoph I. Grünwald, María del Carmen G. Mendoza-Portilla, Iván Ahumada-Carrillo, and Ginny N. Weatherman on 23 August 2019. INIRENA 2935–36 (original field number CIG-1700–01) 2 adult males, collected under logs at a large pond at 2.5 km SE of Atemajac de Brizuela, Municipio de Atemajac de Brizuela, Jalisco, Mexico (20.1151, -103.7036, 2,422 m asl; datum = WGS84; Fig. 4b), by Christoph I. Grünwald, André J. Grünwald, and Ámbar Lanomy Grünwald on 21 June 2020.

Figure 3. 

Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. paratypes. A. Male (INIRENA 2932) from same locality as holotype; B. Male (INIRENA 2936) from 2.5 km SE of Atemajac de Brizuela, Municipio de Atemajac de Brizuela, Jalisco, Mexico; C. Male (MZFZ 4595) from 4.2 km airline ESE of Cumbre de Guadalupe, Municipio de Tomatlán, Jalisco, Mexico; D. Male (INIRENA 2935) from 2.5 km SE of Atemajac de Brizuela, Municipio de Atemajac de Brizuela, Jalisco, Mexico; E. Male (MZFZ 4593) from Cumbre de Guadalupe, Municipio de Talpa de Allende, Jalisco, Mexico.

Figure 4. 

Collection localities for Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov., including the type locality at 2.8 km E of Cumbre de Guadalupe, Municipio de Cuautla, Jalisco, Mexico (A) and 2.5 km SE of Atemajac de Brizuela, Municipio de Atemajac de Brizuela, Jalisco, Mexico (B).


A relatively small Garter Snake, with a maximum of 565 mm SVL and 705 TotL; head narrow, scarcely wider than neck, with a short muzzle (INK + PFK = 3.0 mm); tail long in length, 31–36% of SVL and 23–27% of TotLin males, 25–26% of SVL and 20–21% of TotLin females; internasals wider than long; frontal 2–2.25 times longer than wide; loreal slightly longer than wide; one preocular; 2–4 postoculars; temporals 1 + 2; 7 supralabials, third and fourth entering orbit; 9–10 infralabials, first four in contact with anterior chinshields; anterior chinshields shorter than posterior. Dorsal scales always in 19-17-17 rows, strongly keeled except for the outermost row, which is smooth; ventral scales in males 134–142, in females 139–141; subcaudals in males 61–69, in females 54–55; anal scale undivided. Dorsal pattern consists of a pale mid-vertebral stripe restricted to the mid-dorsal row and a pale lateral stripe on second scale row. One or two rows of dark brown or black dorso-lateral spots, usually in one row on the anterior third of the dorsum, then divided into two rows along the remaining posterior two thirds. Ventral coloration dark, pale anteriorly, becoming progressively darker until dark gray or black posteriorly.


Thamnophis ahumadai can be distinguished from T. scalaris (comparison­­­­­ character traits in parenthesis) by possessing 19-17-17 dorsal scale rows (vs. 17-17-17); 61–69 subcaudals in males (vs. 69–77, but see below for Querétaro population); a shorter tail length in males, 23–27% TL/Totl ratio (vs. 26–33%) and also in females, 20–21% (vs. 20–25%); a black nuchal blotch (vs. brown); two rows of dark brown or black dorsal blotches between mid-dorsal and dorso-lateral pale stripes (vs. one row of large brown dorsal blotches); and a dark gray to black ventral coloration on latter two thirds of body (vs. ventral coloration same as darker portions of lateral coloration).

Thamnnophis ahumadai can be distinguished from T. errans (T. errans character traits in parenthesis) by possessing 134–142 ventral scales in males (vs. 150–166) and 139–141 ventral scales in females (vs. 146–160); 61–69 subcaudals in males (vs. 78–94) and 54–55 subcaudals in females (vs. 67–83); a shorter tail length in females, 20–21% TL/TotL ratio (vs. 23–25%); a dorsal pattern with at least some larger dorsal spots fusing together towards the anterior portion of the body (vs. all dorsolateral spots in two alternating rows); and by possessing small black spots on the lateral pale stripe (vs. black spotting absent on lateral pale stripe).

Thamnophis ahumadai can be distinguished from T. godmani (T. godmani character traits in parenthesis) by possessing 19-17-17 dorsal scale rows (vs. 17-17-17); 54–69 subcaudals in males (vs. 74–88) and 54–55 subcaudals in females (vs. 61–77); a shorter tail length in males, 23–27% TL/TotL (vs. 25–29%), and also in females, 20–21% (vs. 25–27%). Thamnophis ahumadai can be distinguished from T. bogerti (T. bogerti character traits in parenthesis) by possessing 19-17-17 dorsal scale rows (vs. 17-17-15), 134–142 ventral scales in males (vs. 135–157); 54–55 subcaudal scales in females (vs. 56­–68). Moreover, Thamnophis ahumadai is distinguished from both species by possessing two rows of alternating dark brown or black blotches between the mid-dorsal stripe and lateral stripes on dorsum (vs. two rows of dark spots between mid-dorsal stripe and lateral stripe may be absent, limited to randomly occurring black scale outlines, or consist of small black spots).

Thamnophis ahumadai can be distinguished from T. scaliger (T. scaliger character traits in parenthesis) by possessing supralabials that are all entirely pale-colored, with black pigment along each scale suture (vs. several posterior supralabials darkly pigmented by the encroachment of an occipital blotch, anterior ground color of anterior supralabials pale); 61–69 subcaudal scales in males (vs. 49–58), and 54–55 subcaudal scales in females (vs. 40–49); a longer tail length in males, 23–27% TL/Totl ratio (vs. 17–21%) and in females 20–21% TL/TotL (vs. 16–19%); no pale coloration along head scale sutures (vs. pale coloration present along head scale sutures); a black nuchal blotch (vs. brown); and two rows of dark brown or black dorsal blotches between the mid-dorsal and dorso-lateral pale stripes (vs. one row of large brown dorsal blotches).

Thamnophis ahumadai can be distinguished from T. exsul (T. exsul character traits in parenthesis) by possessing 19-17-17 dorsal scale rows (vs. 17-17-17); 134–142 ventral scales in males (vs. 142­–150) and 139–141 ventral scales in females (vs. 152­–156); and a pale mid-dorsal stripe always present (vs. absent or only present anteriorly).

Thamnophis ahumadai can be distinguished from both T. mendax and T. sumichrasti by possessing 134–142 ventral scales in males (vs. 145–149 in T. mendax and 151–161 in T. sumichrasti); from T. sumichrasti by possessing 139–141 ventral scales in females (vs. 147–159) and by possessing 61–69 subcaudals in males (vs. 72–78); from T. mendax by possessing 54–55 subcaudal scales in females (vs. 56–60) and by shorter tail in females 20–21% TL/TotL (vs. 21–23%); from both T. mendax and T. sumichrasti by possessing a lateral pale stripe (vs. absent); furthermore T. ahumadai does not present two pattern classes, and can readily distinguished from the blotched pattern class of T. mendax and both pattern classes of T. sumichrasti by possessing a pale mid-dorsal stripe (vs. lacking in both species).

The mountains of central Jalisco have numerous other species of Thamnophis that occur in sympatry or near sympatry with T. ahumadai. These species (except T. copei) are all distantly related to T. ahumadai and can be readily distinguished by their appearance. Thamnophis ahumadai differs from T. cyrtopsis, T. eques, and T. pulchrilatus by having 17 dorsal scale rows at mid-body (vs. 19 or more) and by having a tongue that is black (vs. red with black tips). From the apparently closely related T. copei (see below), T. ahumadai differs by possessing a loreal (vs. fused with prefrontal), 17 dorsal scale rows (vs. 15), and a longer head with seven supralabials (vs. 5).

For comparative purposes, we include photographs of T. ahumadai and closely related species in Fig. 6 and at a higher resolution in Suppl. material 5.

Description of holotype

(Fig. 2). All measurements in mm. An adult male, 357 SVL, 122 TL, 479 TotL, tail relatively long, with TL/ SVL ratio 0.34 and TL/TotL ratio 0.25. Head short, twice as long as wide, and HL/SVL 0.04. All dorsal scales keeled except in first lateral row, dorsal scales in 19 rows anteriorly, reducing to 17 at the 21st ventral scale row and then 17 throughout rest of body. Ventral scales 135, anal scale undivided, 62/63 divided subcaudal scales. Rostral wider (3.2) than high (2.3); internasals wider (2.2/2.1) than long (1.7); prefrontal subequal, slightly longer (2.7/2.6) than wide (2.5/2.6); frontal 5.4 long, anterior edge 4.0 from snout; frontal 2.7 wide anteriorly and 2.5 wide posteriorly; parietal longer (6.3/6.1) than wide (3.4/3.5); loreal slightly longer (1.7/1.6) than wide (1.3); seven supralabials on each side and nine infralabials on each side. One preocular on each side and ¾ postoculars. Eye relatively small, ED 3.2, and ED/HL ratio 0.22. Mental wider (2.4) than long (1.25); anterior chin shields (4.8/4.3), in contact with 4 infralabials on each side; posterior chin shields longer than anterior chin shields (5.1/5.0). For a detailed drawing of the head scalation, see Fig. 5.

Figure 5. 

Head drawings of the holotype of Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. (INIRENA 2933). A solid line depicts 1 cm. Drawings by Iván T. Ahumada-Carrillo.

Figure 6. 

Photographs of species related to Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. in life, all from Mexico. Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. (A) from Cumbre de Guadalupe, Municipio de Talpa de Allende, Jalisco; Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. (B) from 2.8 km E of Cumbre de Guadalupe, Municipio de Cuautla, Jalisco; Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. (C) 4.2 km airline ESE of Cumbre de Guadalupe, Municipio de Tomatlán, Jalisco; Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. (D) from 2.5 km SE of Atemajac de Brizuela, Municipio de Atemajac de Brizuela, Jalisco; Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. (E) from Tapalpa, Municipio de Tapalpa, Jalisco; Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. (F) from 2.5 km SE of Atemajac de Brizuela, Municipio de Atemajac de Brizuela, Jalisco; Thamnophis errans (G) from vicinity of Los Amoles, Sierra Huichol, Jalisco; Thamnophis errans (H) from Los Charcos, Municipio de Mezquital, Durango; Thamnophis errans (I) from Los Charcos, Municipio de Mezquital, Durango; Thamnophis errans (J) from 28 km SSW of Tepehuanes, Municipio de Tepehuanes, Durango; Thamnophis errans (K) from La Catedral, Municipio de Guadalupe y Calvo, Chihuhua Thamnophis exsul (L) from Peña Nevada, Nuevo León (photo by Robert Hansen) Thamnophis scalaris (M) from Volcán Chichinautzin, Municipio de Huitzilac, Morelos; Thamnophis scalaris (N) from Villa Victoria, Municipio de Villa Victoria, Estado de México (photo by Hugo Plata-Tinoco); Thamnophis scalaris (O) from Huamantla, Municipio de Huamantla, Tlaxcala (photo by Anibal Díaz de la Vega Pérez); Thamnophis scalaris (P) from Pico de Orizaba, Veracruz (photo by Alfredo Gutiérrez); Thamnophis scalaris (Q) from 1 km N of Pinal de Amoles, Municipio de Pinal de Amoles, Quéretaro; Thamnophis scalaris (R) from 1 km N of Pinal de Amoles, Municipio de Pinal de Amoles, Quéretaro; Thamnophis godmani (S) from San Vicente, Municipio de Chilpancigo de los Bravo, Guerrero; Thamnophis godmani (T) from San Vicente, Municipio de Chilpancigo de los Bravo, Guerrero; Thamnophis bogerti (U) from La Doncella, Municipio de San Mateo Río Hondo, Oaxaca; Thamnophis bogerti (V) from Sierra Miahuatlán, Oaxaca; Thamnophis bogerti (W) from Llano de las Flores, Sierra Juárez, Oaxaca; Thamnophis bogerti (X) from Puerto del Aire, Municipio de Acultzingo, Veracruz.

Everted hemipenes are the length of seven subcaudals; they are long and narrow with no noticeable widening in the apical region.

Coloration in preservative

(Fig. 2b, c). Head scales brown, but frontal, supraoculars, and parietals pale gray, apparently damaged as the snake was pre-ecdysis. Supralabials cream-white, with black lines along sutures. Dark nuchal blotch 1–3 scales long, black in coloration, complete dorsally from below the labial region on both sides. Pale mid-dorsal stripe white, starting on the fourth dorsal scale posterior to the parietals and running to the tip of the tail. One row of large dorso-lateral blotches, nine on the left, six on the right; large blotches divided into two rows of alternating dorso-lateral blotches. Lateral pale stripe bluish-gray, one second and third scale rows on the neck, and then limited to the second scale row on the rest of body and tail, slowing fading in intensity on tail. A single, lateral row of black spots present on the first dorsal scale row, spots about half a scale in size on the anterior quarter of the body, then reducing to about a third a scale in size on the posterior three quarters of the body. Ventral surfaces of head and throat creamy-white until the fourth ventral scale, becoming pale bluish gray until approximately the 50th ventral scale, then progressively turning darker until the 78th ventral scale, where the venter takes on a dark gray-black coloration that continues posteriorly to the tip of the tail.

Coloration in life

(Fig. 2a). Dorsal coloration chocolate brown, with 80 pairs of black dorso-lateral blotches present on dorsum. Pale mid-dorsal stripe present, pale yellow on anterior half of body, and then fading to a cream pigment posteriorly until the tail tip. Pale stripe involving only the vertebral row of scales. Top of head brown, including parietals, frontal, supraoculars, prefrontals and internasals, with rostral and front part of internasal pale cream, similar to supralabials. Supralabials pale cream on first three supralabials, then pale yellow on the latter four supralabials. Supralabials 2–6 have a black outline along the upper posterior suture. Nasal cream below, brown above, with a black outline posteriorly. Loreal anterior half cream, posterior half black. Single preocular cream; four postoculars also cream; upper one with black outline on posterior border. Anterior temporal brown above and black below; posterior temporals brown and black. A bilobed dark nuchal spot present behind head, dark brown anteriorly, and black posteriorly. Nuchal spot three scales long at mid-dorsal line, extending ventrally to the height of the jawline. This nuchal blotch partially divides the pale-yellow coloration on the posterior supralabials and the pale lateral stripe on the lower portion of the dorsum. Pale lateral stripe on first three scale rows anteriorly, pale yellow, then restricted to second scale row on the anterior four-fifths of the dorsum, only slightly involving the first and third scale rows. After the anterior fifth of the dorsum, the first scale row is cream with dark black markings on the posterior edge of each scale, giving the appearance of small black vertical blotches. Tail same color as posterior body, black above, cream below, with a pale cream mid-dorsal stripe and small black spots on the cream colored first scale row. Iris copper.


(mm). SVL 357; TL 122 mm; TotL; 479; HL 14.; HW 7.3; ED 3.2 mm; RH 2.3; RW 3.2; INL 1.7; INW 2.1; PFL 2.7/2.6; PFW2.5/2.6; FL 5.4; MAFW 2.7; MPFW 2.4; PL 6.2/6.1; PW 3.4/3.5; LL 1.6; LH 1.3; ML 1.25; MW 2.4; ACSL 4.8/4.3; PCSL 5.1/5.0.


Meristic variation is minimal amongst the paratypes. Specimen ranged in size from 255 mm (INIRENA 2935) to 565 mm (INIRENA 2934). The shortest relative tail length was 0.20 TL/TotL in INIRENA 2934, whereas the longest relative tail length was 0.27 in INIRENA 2932. Interestingly, both were males from the same locality. Most all specimens had more ventral scales than the holotype, with MZFZ 4595 possessing the highest count (142). The ventral scale + subcaudal scale combinations amongst specimens ranged from 194 (INIRENA 2934) to 210/211 (MZFZ 4595). No variation in number of dorsal scale rows or supralabials was documented. Two specimens (INIRENA 2934, 2936) had 10 infralabials on both sides. Postoculars usually three on at least one side, but MZFZ 4593 has 4/4 and MZFZ 4594 has 4/6. The two females (INIRENA 2934, MZFZ 4594) have a head HL/HW ratio of 1.1–1.4, whereas the males have a HL/HW ratio of 1.5–2.0. Color pattern variation exists. The vertebral stripe ranges from orange (INIRENA 2932), yellow or yellowish (INIRENA 2936, MZFZ 4595), to cream (MZFZ 4593, INIRENA 2935). MZFZ 4593 is unique in that it presents dorsolateral blotches that are fused, similar to T. scalaris and T. scaliger. INIRENA 2934 has a dark dorsal coloration, which makes the dorsal pattern barely visible and gives the snake a dark, unpatterned appearance. Morphological and meristic variation of the all available specimens, including the holotype and all paratypes is given in Table 1.

Table 1.

Morphometric and meristic variation of Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. Measurements of the holotype are shaded gray.

MZFZ 4593 MZFZ 4594 MZFZ 4595 INIRENA 2932 INIRENA 2933 INIRENA 2934 INIRENA 2935 INIRENA 2936
Sex Male Female Male Male Male Female Male Male
SVL 262 426 297 335 357 565 255 327
TL 86 112 103 122 122 140 78 114
TotL 348 538 400 457 479 705 333 441
TL/SVL 0.33 0.26 0.35 0.36 0.34 0.25 0.31 0.35
TL/TotL 0.25 0.21 0.26 0.27 0.25 0.20 0.23 0.26
VS 140 141 142 135 135 139 134 139
SC 68/68 54/54 68/69 67/67 62/63 55/55 61/62 64/65
VS+SC 208 195 210.5 203 197.5 194 195.5 203.5
DSRA 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
DSRM 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
DSRT 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
SL 7/7 7/7 7/7 7/7 7/7 7/7 7/ 7 7/7
IL 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/10 9/9 10/10 9/9 10/10
PRO 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1
POO 4/4 4/6 3/3 3/3 3/4 3/3 3/3 3/3
ED 2.61 3.96 3.11 3.15 3.19 4.50 3.01 3.54
ED/HL 0.21 0.21 0.24 0.21 0.22 0.20 0.24 0.26
HL 12.44 18.59 12.70 15.08 14.43 22.90 12.56 13.65
HW 8.24 13.34 8.59 8.96 7.34 20.54 7.70 8.74
HL/HW 1.51 1.39 1.48 1.68 1.97 1.11 1.63 1.56
HL/SVL 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.04
MAFW 2.65 3.41 2.39 3.63 2.71 4.58 2.53 2.92
MPFW 2.17 2.91 2.25 2.62 2.46 3.54 1.84 2.24
PFK 1.6 2.39 1.82 2.12 1.67 2.15 1.69 1.74
INK 1.21 2.07 1.42 1.44 1.31 * 1.29 1.52
RH 2.41 2.93 2.12 2.48 2.27 3.46 1.58 2.59
RW 3.4 4.41 3.17 3.53 3.23 5.87 3.03 3.47
INL 1.61 / 1.48 2.69/2.82 1.62/ 1.61 1.67/ 1.66 1.71/ 1.66 * 1.52/ 1.75 1.66/ 1.43
INW 1.86 / 1.73 2.55/ 2.58 1.88/ 1.81 2.21/ 2.08 2.08/ 2.11 * 1.68/ 1.79 1.89/ 2.21
PFL 2.31 / 2.36 3.49/ 3.52 2.38/ 2.30 2.73/ 2.82 2.71/ 2.64 3.49/ 3.39 2.31/ 2.38 2.54/ 2.66
PFW 2.43 / 2.39 3.35/ 3.23 2.46/ 2.56 2.66/ 2.68 2.51/ 2.59 4.25/ 4.46 2.12/ 2.18 2.58/ 2.36
FL 4.92 6.57 4.76 5.44 5.41 8.34 4.58 4.93
PL 5.41 / 5.15 7.51/7.22 5.20/ 5.33 5.74/ 5.88 6.27/ 6.11 9.30/ 9.55 4.95/ 5.28 5.72/ 5.95
PW 3.43 / 3.69 2.67/2.68 3.57/ 3.63 3.79/ 3.94 3.43/ 3.49 5.38/ 5.24 3.22/ 3.35 3.87/ 3.55
DFS 3.89 5.32 4.04 4.56 3.95 7.27 4.14 4.12
LL 1.47/ 1.46 2.49/ 2.56 1.48/ 1.39 1.69/ 1.61 1.68/ 1.62 2.61/ 2.53 1.20/ 1.38 1.34/ 1.43
LH 1.27/ 1.23 1.83/ 1.76 1.64/ 1.68 1.26/ 1.29 1.28/ 1.29 2.30/ 2.23 1.15/ 1.10 1.26/ 1.21
ML 1.22 1.81 1.21 1.38 1.25 2.43 0.88 1.35
MW 2.08 2.84 2.34 2.73 2.36 3.83 2.01 2.45
LCAC 4/4 4/4 4/4 4/5 4/4 5/5 4/4 5/5
ACSL 4.0 / 4.05 5.89/ 5.62 3.85/ 4.10 4.49/ 4.43 4.77/ 4.34 7.98/ 8.50 3.50/ 3.57 4.21/ 4.0
PCSL 4.10 / 3.99 6.62/ 6.32 5.02/ 4.57 4.88/ 4.74 5.11/ 5.03 10.02/ 9.24 4.51/ 4.71 5.65/ 6.10

Distribution and habitat

This species appears to be restricted to grasslands and meadows in pine-oak woodland and pine forest above 2100 m asl. Only known from two mountain ranges in Jalisco, the Cumbre de Guadalupe region of the Sierra Cacoma, and in the vicinities of the towns of Atemajac de Brizuela and Juanacatlán in the Sierra de Tapalpa. This species has been collected at elevations ranging from 2140 to 2450 m asl. We have included a range map with known localities of this species and closely related species in Fig. 7.

Figure 7. 

Distribution map of snakes similar to Thamnophis scalaris in Mexico. Circles represent museum records; squares represent verified iNaturalist observations, or field observations made by us but without a specimen deposited in a collection. The diamond represents the type locality of Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. We have included the different populations of Thamnophis bogerti in the key with their former names in quotation marks, and we used different shades of green to depict their individual ranges.


A patronym honoring Iván Trinidad Ahumada-Carrillo (1984–), who has made many contributions to diverse areas in herpetology, including extensive studies of the herpetofauna of Jalisco and Zacatecas. Iván collected the first specimen of this new species in the Sierra Cacoma (MZFZ 4593) and pointed out its distinctiveness from typical T. scalaris and T. errans.


This species of garter snake is only known from two relatively small high-elevation areas in the highlands of Jalisco, which fall within the “Jaliscan Transverse Range Pine-Oak Woodland (42)” and “Jaliscan Sierra Madre del Sur Mixed Temperate Woodland (46)” biogeographical formations as mapped by Grünwald et al. (2015). Due to its small distribution, we recommend that this species be rewarded with the highest level of protection possible from the Mexican government. As habitat destruction such as logging and farming is ongoing in both localities where it occurs, this species may qualify as Endangered under the IUCN criterion. However, it can also be considered to be in the DD (data deficient) category due to uncertainties about whether or not this species occurs in Michoacán (see below). More fieldwork should be done to determine the full extent of the distribution of T. ahumadai and whether or not it is present in other highland regions of Jalisco or adjacent Michoacán.


With the description of T. ahumadai, we remove T. scalaris from the herpetofauna of Jalisco. We also suggest that all specimens of “T. scalaris” collected from Jalisco (NHMUK,–24; UTA 4040, 4932–47, 4949, 5991–93; KU 87472–73) are assignable to T. ahumadai. A detailed morphological examination of these specimens will undoubtedly expand the known variation in this newly described species. Boulenger (1893) gave a detailed description of specimens of “T. scalaris” from Jalisco. The combination of 7 supralabial scales and low ventral and subcaudal scale counts that he reported precludes their assignment to any other species of Thamnophis known from Jalisco except for T. scaliger. While we cannot definitely exclude T. scaliger from the description given by Boulenger, it is important to note that despite intensive recent collecting at both localities (Cumbre de Guadalupe and Atemajac de Brizuela), no T. scaliger has been collected from either of these mountain ranges. We tentatively suggest that these specimens are referrable to T. ahumadai. Smith et al. (1950) reviewed these same specimens, but they confused them with their concept of “T. scalaris scaliger.”

Apparently, T. ahumadai and T. scalaris are widely isolated along the Mexican Transverse Ranges, with no known records between the Sierra Tapalpa in central Jalisco and the closest populations occurring near the vicinity of Nahuatzen in central Michoacán (Rossman et al. 1996; Rossman and Lara-Gongora 1997). The Nahuatzen population is of special interest itself. The Nahuatzen area is a particularly high elevation (ca. 3000 m) upland situated in the middle of a continuous swath of moderate mountains (ca. 2000 m) in central Michoacán. While this region is not particularly isolated, the nearest collecting localities of highland Thamnophis are T. ahumadai, 190 km to the west at Atemajac de Brizuela, Jalisco, and T. scalaris, 170 km to the east near Zitacuaro, Michoacán. Based on color pattern alone, these snakes seem very similar to and may be conspecific with T. ahumadai. We were unable to acquire molecular data from this population as all specimens in Mexican collections are fixed in formalin. Field work should be done around Nahuatzen to determine whether this population represents an isolated population of T. ahumadai, an isolated population of T. scalaris, or another yet undescribed species of Thamnophis.

Monophyly of Thamnophis scaliger and Thamnophis scalaris

Based on eleven genetic samples of Thamnophis scalaris collected across its range and an additional five samples of Thamnophis scaliger from several localities in central Mexico, we found that both T. scalaris and T. scaliger are monophyletic and do not represent sister species (Fig. 1). De Queiroz et al. (2002) had confusing results for the relationship between T. scalaris and T. scaliger based on the placement of their “T. scaliger 2” within T. scalaris. Their “T. scaliger 2” was based on LSUMZ 42638 (Accession Number: AF420189), which is supposedly a T. scaliger from the vicinity of Villa Victoria, Estado de México. We compared this sample to five T. scaliger samples and nine T. scalaris samples, all identified in the field by us. This sample was consistently recovered in a clade containing morphologically verified T. scalaris in all of our analyses. While we were not able to examine the specimen, we hypothesize that this genetic sample was misidentified as a T. scaliger by de Quieroz et al. (2002) and consequently re-identify it as T. scalaris.

The positioning of the former genus Adelophis within Thamnophis

The genus Adelophis Dugès in Cope, 1879, was originally described as a close relative of the North American genus Tropidoclonion Cope, 1860. The first authors to suggest a close relationship between Adelophis and Thamnophis were Dunn (1931) and Rossman and Blaney (1968), who suggested that Adelophis was derived from Thamnophis. Later, de Queiroz et al. (2002) obtained molecular sequences from a specimen of Adelophis foxi (LSUMZ 40846) and found that it grouped within Thamnophis, with its closest relatives being T. melanogaster and T. validus. De Queiroz et al. (2002) suggested that their sample of Adelophis may have been mixed up with another sample; however, they assessed that the genetic distances of the analyzed sequences were too far removed from any of the other analyzed species to represent any of them. These authors had samples from all valid Mexican species of Thamnophis at that time except for two (Thamnophis postremus Smith, 1942, and Thamnophis rossmani Conant, 2000) and cautioned against making any taxonomical changes pending further sampling of “A. foxi” and the similar “A. copei.” McVay et al. (2015) obtained additional sequences from the same specimen of “A. foxi” and confirmed the results obtained by de Queiroz et al. (2002), thus dispelling the possibility of PCR contamination. Nonetheless, these authors also refrained from making any taxonomical changes because the sequenced specimen was the same individual used earlier by de Queiroz et al. (2002) and was thus subject to the same caveats as the prior study. Later, Hallas et al. (2022) found Adelophis to be placed within Thamnophis across three molecular datasets (mtDNA, nDNA, and ddRADseq) and formally sank the genus Adelophis into Thamnophis. They cautioned that “some might refrain from formal changes to A. copei until that taxon can be suitably evaluated in a phylogenetic analysis.” However, Hallas et al. (2022) considered the putative sister relationship between “A. copei” and “A. foxi” (Rossman and Blaney 1968; Rossman and Wallach 1987) to be sufficient evidence refuting the argument that “A. copei” could be nested outside of Thamnophis. In this study, we sequenced samples from a specimen of Thamnophis copei for the first time and confirmed that T. copei falls within the “southern clade” of Thamnophis like T. foxi (de Queiroz et al. 2002; McVay et al. 2015; Hallas et al. 2022). This confirms that the placement of Thamnophis copei is correct and that Adelophis should be subsumed into Thamnophis. Surprisingly, however, our results suggest that the morphologically similar T. copei and T. foxi are not sisters to one another, though both are consistently nested within the “Mexican clade” of Thamnophis. More extensive sequence data is needed to determine the exact phylogenetic relationship between these two species and closely related species. It is noteworthy that T. foxi has not been collected since the 1970s, despite several recent collection attempts.

Thamnophis godmani was described from Omiltemi and “Amula” in Guerrero (Günther 1886) and was later considered to be distributed in the Sierra Madre del Sur and Sierra Madre Oriental from central Guerrero and central Veracruz (respectively) to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (Rossman et al. 1996). Thamnophis godmani has historically been recognized as a close relative of T. scalaris, and Smith (1942) even considered T. godmani to be a subspecies of the former taxon. The specific identity of T. godmani was reaffirmed when more specimens and morphological data became available (Rossman in Varkey 1979). Later, Rossman and Burbrink (2005) conducted a multivariate study of morphological characters in various populations of T. godmani and described three species: T. bogerti, T. conanti, and T. lineri.

Rossman and Burbrink (2005) provided subtle morphological and mensural characters to justify the description of T. bogerti, T. conanti, and T. lineri as species distinct from T. godmani. While the morphological data provided does suggest that T. godmani may be specifically distinct from the other three, the morphological differences are trivial once data from T. bogerti, T. conanti, and T. lineri are compared to one another. When compared to the intraspecies variation of other widespread highland Thamnophis such as T. scaliger, T. scalaris, T. errans, T. chrysocephalus, and T. sumichrasti, the subtle geographic variation found across T. bogerti and its relatives over a relatively broad range suggests that these taxa likely represent a single evolutionary species unit. Morphological and mensural differences for the three species were presented in the description only in text; however, here we compare them in Table 2.

Table 2.

Comparisons of Thamnophis godmani, T. bogerti, T. conanti, and T. lineri taken from the descriptions of the latter three (Rossman and Burbrink 2005).

T. godmani T. bogerti T. conanti T. lineri
DSR maximum DSR 17 maximum DSR 17 maximum DSR 17 maximum DSR 17
Maxillary Teeth Maxillary Teeth 17–21 Maxillary Teeth 17–20 Maxillary Teeth 16–18 Maxillary Teeth 18–20
Dorsal Head Coloration top of head unpatterned top of head unpatterned top of head unpatterned top of head unpatterned
Dorsal Pattern two rows of small black spots between light lines two rows of small black spots between light lines two rows of small black spots between light lines two rows of small black spots between light lines
Nuchal Blotch Coloration nuchal blotch coloration black nuchal blotch coloration variable, only 15% brown nuchal blotches brown nuchal blotches predominately brown
Suture coloration on SL prominence of black bar along posterior suture of SL 5 equal to or greater than bar along SL 6 and SL 7 suture prominence of black bar along posterior suture of SL 5 equal to or less than bar along SL 6 and SL 7 suture prominence of black bar along posterior suture of SL 5 equal to or less than bar along SL 6 and SL 7 suture black bar along posterior suture of SL 5 reduced or absent
VS V 144 males, 138 in females V 145 males, 140 females V 150 in males, 144 females 140 in males, 136 in females
SC SC average 79 in males, 71 females SC average 70 males, 62 females SC average 72 males, 62 females SC average 62 males, 55 females
TL/TotL TL/TotL 27% males, 26% females TL/TotL 25% males, 23% females TL/TotL 25% males, 23% females TL/TotL 23.5% males, 21.5% females
Prefrontal Length prefrontal suture usually slightly shorter than internasal suture PFK/INK 94% prefrontal suture usually slightly longer than internasal suture PFK/INK 106% prefrontal suture usually slightly longer than internasal suture PFK/INK 105% prefrontal suture usually slightly longer than internasal suture PFK/INK 106%
Muzzle Shape muzzle tip very broad, INR / NR 134% muzzle tip usually broad, INR / NR 115% muzzle tip broad INR / NR 107% muzzle tip usually broad, INR / NR 116%
Nasal Condition anterior and posterior nasal subequal anterior nasal usually shorter than posterior nasal anterior nasal usually shorter than posterior nasal anterior nasal usually shorter than posterior nasal
Parietal Length parietal short FL/PL 88% FL/PL 77% FL/PL 77% FL/PL 80%
Frontal Condition Frontal Broad Posteriorly / MPFW/MAFW 72% Frontal Broad Posteriorly / MPFW/MAFW 79% Frontal Broad Posteriorly / MPFW/MAFW 75% Frontal Broad Posteriorly / MPFW/MAFW 85%

We evaluated the status of these species (T. bogerti, T. conanti, and T. lineri) in our phylogeny, and our results indicate that T. bogerti is paraphyletic with respect to T. conanti and T. lineri (Fig. 1, Suppl. materials 13). Additionally, we found very low levels of genetic divergence between these species. Genetic distances in the mitochondrial gene ND4 were as low as 0.002 between T. bogerti and T. conanti, whereas both of these species show a genetic distance of 0.04–0.05 with their closest relative, T. scalaris. Genetic distances in the Cytb between T. bogerti, T. conanti, and T. lineri ranged from 0.00–0.01, whereas all three of these “species” had distances between 0.03–0.04 from their closest relative, T. ahumadai. (Suppl. material 4). These results support the tree topologies of McVay et al. (2015) and Hallas et al. (2022). Unfortunately, we did not have any genetic material of T. godmani to compare with, and recent analyses that did include T. godmani (Hallas et al. 2022) are based on a sample of T. bogerti from Oaxaca (J. Campbell, pers. comm). Thamnophis godmani is not known to occur in Oaxaca, and all samples of “T. godmani” found on Genbank are based on specimens that were collected before T. bogerti was described (Rossman and Burbrink 2005). Consequently, our phylogenetic results indicate that T. bogerti, T. conanti, and T. lineri belong to the same evolutionary unit. As these three species were described in the same paper, we invoke Article 24.2 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN 1999) and suggest that T. lineri and T. conanti are junior synonyms of T. bogerti, the latter of which was alphabetically and sequentially described first in Rossman and Burbrink (2005). The specific relationship between T. godmani and T. bogerti remains to be tested; however, the isolated nature of the Guerrero populations of this species may indeed prove to be of a specific nature.

Rossman and Burbrink (2005), in their review of the populations formerly assigned to T. godmani, stated that “T. godmani occurs in at least four discrete geographic areas that are effectively separated at the present time by habitat disjunctions unsuitable for these residents of montane pine-oak forests (1768–3048 m).” However, these sky islands inhabited by the snakes formerly assigned to T. godmani have not been proven to act as biogeographic barriers for other reptiles (Bryson et al. 2011; Palacios-Aguilar et al. 2021). Furthermore, T. bogerti is frequently collected as low as 1100–1200 m in humid environs in Oaxaca, and oak woodland in the Sierra Juárez and Sierra Zongolica ranges down to at least 1500 m. Thus, these perceived “isolated mountain ranges” are not barrier-isolated for an elevation-adapted snake like T. bogerti.

Identity of Thamnophis similar to T. scalaris in the Sierra de Pinal de Amoles, Querétaro

An unidentified population of Thamnophis occurs in the vicinity of Pinal de Amoles in the Sierra Gorda region of Querétaro (Rossman and Lara-Gongora 1997). These specimens (UMMZ 105415–416) are cataloged as T. scalaris but originate from well outside of the known range of this species. Rossman and Lara-Gongora (1997) discussed these specimens in detail, comparing them to T. scalaris, T. scaliger, and T. exsul, and concluded that “until fresh material becomes available, it would seem prudent to defer judgment of the identity of these Querétaro specimens.” We collected two specimens (INIRENA 2937–38, Fig. 8) of this population in 2020 and included them in our analyses.

Figure 8. 

Photographs of Thamnophis scalaris from Querétaro. Female (INIRENA 2937) (A, B) and male (INIRENA 2938) (C, D) both from 1 km N of Pinal de Amoles, Municipio de Pinal de Amoles, Querétaro.

Morphologically, the two specimens seem to match T. scalaris relatively well. INIRENA 2937 is an adult female and has 17-17-17 dorsal scale rows, whereas INIRENA 2938 is a subadult male and has 19-17-17 dorsal scales. Supralabials are seven on both specimens; infralabials are 9/10 on INIRENA 2937 and 10/10 on INIRENA 2938. Ventrals 141 on both specimens, subcaudals 52 (INIRENA 2937) and 57 (INIRENA 2938), respectively. The subcaudal count is lower than the ranges given for eastern T. scalaris by Rossman and Lara-Gongora (1997), which were 53–69 (females) and 64–85 (males). The tail lengths are short for T. scalaris, with TL/TotL 19.8% on INIRENA 2937 and 21.4% on INIRENA 2938. Rossman and Lara (1997) gave TL/TotL ranges of 20.2–25.0% (females) and 25.9–33.2% (males). Rossman and Lara (1997) noted that the hemipenes on UMMZ 104415 were nine subcaudals long. The hemipenes on INIRENA 2938 are six subcaudals long, although they may not have been everted to their fullest extent. While the tail lengths and subcaudal counts are very low for eastern T. scalaris and the hemipenes are short, in all other aspects, these specimens seem to match T. scalaris reasonably well.

Our phylogenetic analysis suggests that these specimens are nested with T. scalaris. Genetic distances for ND4 between this population and nearby Veracruz T. scalaris range from 0.00–0.01. In comparison, the genetic distances of ND4 between the Queretaro specimens and T. scaliger range from 0.02–0.06, between T. exsul 0.04 and T. errans 0.05. The genetic distance of Cytb in these specimens to nearby T. scalaris in Puebla and northern Veracruz ranges from 0.00–0.01. Comparatively, the genetic distances of Cytb in the Queretaro specimen to specimens of T. scaliger are 0.04–0.07, and for T. exsul, they are 0.04. Based on these results, we formally assign the Pinal de Amoles (Sierra Gorda) population to T. scalaris and confirm the presence of T. scalaris in Querétaro.


We thank our field crew for their courageous enthusiasm to go out in the field in Guerrero, including but not limited to Iván Ahumada-Carrillo, Brandon T. La Forest, Jason M. Jones, Ricardo Ramírez-Chaparro, Jorge A. Bañuelos-Alamillo, Ginny N. Weatherman, Karen I. Morales-Flores, Ámbar Lanomy Grünwald, Janelle Morales-Flores, and Alejandro Lara. We thank Adrian Nieto Montes de Oca, Oscar Flores-Villela and Leticia Ochoa (MZFC), Ireri Suazo-Ortuño and Jonathan Torres-Pérez-Coeto (INIRENA), and Gregory Pandelis (UTA) for letting us examine preserved specimens under their care; the latter two also took photographs of specimens for our review. For providing photographs of museum specimens, we are indebted to Joshua Mata and Rachunliu G. Kamei (FMNH), Gregory Schneider (UMMZ), Teresa Hsu (USNM), and Jonathan Campbell (UTA). We thank Jason M. Jones, Iván Ahumada-Carrillo, Robert Hansen, Hugo Plata-Tinoc, and Anibal Díaz de la Vega-Pérez for providing photographs of live specimens in the field. We thank Justin Lee and four anonymous reviewers for their detailed review and feedback on an earlier version of the manuscript. Funding for molecular data generation was provided by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT A1-S-37838) and the Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (DGAPA, UNAM) (PAPIIT IN218022 y PAPIME PE208422) to U.O. García-Vázquez (UOG-V). We thank María de los Ángeles Palma Irizarry of the Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) for providing and collecting permits.


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Appendix 1

Table A1.

Specimens examined. Two samples are from shed skins where specimens were not collected, but genetic material was included in the analysis and these are included in bold print.

Field number Museum number Date Species Locality State Coordinates Elevation
CIG-1936 pending 12-Jun-21 Thamnophis bogerti Municipio de San Mateo Río Hondo: La Doncella Oaxaca 16.121632, -96.505225 2736 m
CIG-1937 pending 12-Jun-21 Thamnophis bogerti Municipio de San Mateo Río Hondo: La Doncella Oaxaca 16.121632, -96.505225 2736 m
CIG-1938 pending 13-Jun-21 Thamnophis bogerti Municipio de San Augustín Loxicha: La Paz Obispo Oaxaca 16.069370, -96.577196 2160 m
CIG-0626 pending 10-Oct-15 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Santiago: La Camotera, near Laguna de Sánchez Nuevo León 25.318675, -100.212369 1583 m
CIG-0805 pending 28-May-16 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Aramberri: S of La Ascención Nuevo León 22.22677, -99.87677 2010 m
CIG-1677 pending NA Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Noria de Angeles: Villa de Gonzalez Ortega Zacatecas 22.407739, -101.875726 2300 m
CIG-1801 pending 02-Aug-20 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Colón: Los Trigos, Cerro Zamorano Querétaro 20.906709, -100.206763 2606 m
CIG-1811 pending 08-Aug-20 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Catorce: 11.3 km airline ESE of Estación Wadley San Luis Potosí 23.577618, -100.878592 2794 m
CIG-1812 pending 08-Aug-20 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Catorce: 11.3 km airline ESE of Estación Wadley San Luis Potosí 23.577618, -100.878592 2794 m
CIG-1990 pending 11-Jul-21 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Tepic: NE side of Rancho La Noria Nayarit 21.4860, -104.9921 1572 m
CIG-1991 pending 11-Jul-21 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Tepic: NE side of Rancho La Noria Nayarit 21.4860, -104.9922 1572 m
CIG-1992 pending 11-Jul-21 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Tepic: NE side of Rancho La Noria Nayarit 21.4860, -104.9923 1572 m
CIG-1993 pending 11-Jul-21 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Tepic: NE side of Rancho La Noria Nayarit 21.4860, -104.9924 1572 m
CIG-1994 pending 11-Jul-21 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Tepic: NE side of Rancho La Noria Nayarit 21.4860, -104.9925 1572 m
CIG-1995 pending 11-Jul-21 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Tepic: NE side of Rancho La Noria Nayarit 21.4860, -104.9926 1572 m
CIG-1996 pending 11-Jul-21 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Tepic: NE side of Rancho La Noria Nayarit 21.4860, -104.9927 1572 m
CIG-1997 pending 11-Jul-21 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Tepic: NE side of Rancho La Noria Nayarit 21.4860, -104.9928 1572 m
CIG-1998 pending 11-Jul-21 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Tepic: NE side of Rancho La Noria Nayarit 21.4860, -104.9929 1572 m
CIG-1999 pending 11-Jul-21 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Tepic: NE side of Rancho La Noria Nayarit 21.4860, -104.9930 1572 m
CIG-2000 pending 11-Jul-21 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Tepic: NE side of Rancho La Noria Nayarit 21.4860, -104.9931 1572 m
CIG-2001 pending 11-Jul-21 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Tepic: NE side of Rancho La Noria Nayarit 21.4860, -104.9932 1572 m
CIG-2002 pending 11-Jul-21 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Tepic: NE side of Rancho La Noria Nayarit 21.4860, -104.9933 1572 m
CIG-2003 pending 11-Jul-21 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Tepic: NE side of Rancho La Noria Nayarit 21.4860, -104.9934 1572 m
CIG-2004 pending 11-Jul-21 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Tepic: NE side of Rancho La Noria Nayarit 21.4860, -104.9935 1572 m
CIG-2006 pending 06-Sep-21 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Yécora: 3.8 km W of Yécora on Hwy. 16 Sonora 28.3619, -108.96497 1691 m
CIG-2183 pending 18-Aug-22 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Tecpán de Galeana: La Laguna Guerrero 17.577641, -100.767848 1055 m
CIG-2005 pending 06-Sep-21 Thamnophis eques Municipio de Yécora: west of Yécora Sonora 28.374691, -109.028245 1942 m
CIG-2138 pending 30-Jun-22 Thamnophis eques Municipio de Aguascalientes: Hwy. 36, 1.2 km NW of Jalisco stale line. Aguascalientes 21.720405, -102.155511 2007 m
CIG-1645 pending 06-Mar-19 Thamnophis eques Municipio de Huachinango: Rancho Las Truchas Puebla 20.114709, -98.107585 2041 m
CIG-1646 pending 06-Mar-19 Thamnophis eques Municipio de Huachinango: Rancho Las Truchas Puebla 20.114709, -98.107585 2041 m
CIG-1562 pending 08-Aug-19 Thamnophis errans Municipio de Mezquital: Los Charcos Durango 23.012354, -104.299608 2693 m
CIG-1563 pending 08-Aug-19 Thamnophis errans Municipio de Mezquital: Los Charcos Durango 23.012354, -104.299608 2693 m
CIG-1564 pending 08-Aug-19 Thamnophis errans Municipio de Mezquital: Los Charcos Durango 23.012354, -104.299608 2693 m
CIG-1862 pending 26-Oct-20 Thamnophis errans Municipio de Guadalupe y Calvo: Terreros Chihuahua 26.194814, -106.588628 2590 m
CIG-2239 pending 30-Jun-22 Thamnophis errans Municipio de Aguascalientes: Hwy. 36, 1.2 km NW of Jalisco stale line. Aguascalientes 25.066337, -106.319703 2537 m
CIG-1833 NA 10-Aug-20 Thamnophis exsul Cerro Peña Nevada, Puerto Peña Nevada Nuevo León 23.823812, -99.878490 2657 m
CIG-1834 NA 10-Aug-20 Thamnophis exsul Cerro Peña Nevada, salamander spot 2 Nuevo León 23.836308, -99.856751 2658 m
CIG-1001 pending 06-Sep-16 Thamnophis fulvus Puente Malá, El Chiquihuite, Unión Juárez Chiapas 15.093985, -92.091741 1790 m
CIG-1468 pending 29-Jun-19 Thamnophis aff. chrysocephalus just below Puerto del Gallo Guerrero 17.48739, -100.19932 2457 m
CIG-1315 pending 23-Apr-18 Thamnophis hammondii Cienega La Grulla, Sierra San Pedro Martir Baja California 30.892369, -115.481361 2069 m
CIG-1314 pending 23-Apr-18 Thamnophis hueyi Cienega La Grulla, Sierra San Pedro Martir Baja California 30.892369, -115.481361 2069 m
CIG-1448 pending 19-May-19 Thamnophis hueyi Cienega La Grulla, Sierra San Pedro Martír Baja California 30.889159, -115.463460 2068 m
CIG-1449 pending 19-May-19 Thamnophis hueyi Cienega La Grulla, Sierra San Pedro Martír Baja California 30.889159, -115.463460 2068 m
CIG-1494 pending 19-May-19 Thamnophis hueyi x hammondii Cienega La Grulla, Sierra San Pedro Martír Baja California 30.894320, -115.481086 2066 m
CIG-0810 pending 29-May-16 Thamnophis aff. pulchrilatus Near Valle Hermoso, Sierra de Miquihuana Tamaulipas 22.672603, -99.7941210 2472 m
CIG-0811 pending 29-May-16 Thamnophis aff. pulchrilatus Near Valle Hermoso, Sierra de Miquihuana Tamaulipas 22.672603, -99.7941210 2472 m
CIG-0812 pending 29-May-16 Thamnophis aff. pulchrilatus La Marcela Tamaulipas 23.744825, -99.816433 2490 m
CIG-1848 pending 10-Sep-20 Thamnophis rossmani Municipio de Tepic: between El Armadillo and San Cayetano Nayarit 21.4392664, -104.842978 924 m
CIG-0500 MZFZ-4593 11-Jul-15 Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. Municipio de Talpa de Allende: nr. Cumbre de Guadalupe, Jalisco 20.169099, -104.711496 2129 m
CIG-1609 MZFZ-4594 23-Aug-19 Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. Municipio de Talpa de Allende: nr. Cumbre de Guadalupe, Jalisco 20.186581, -104.716188 2178 m
CIG-1610 MZFZ-4595 23-Aug-19 Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. Municipio de Tomatlán: Cumbre de Guadalupe, Sierra Cacoma Jalisco 20.157217, -104.675059 2319 m
CIG-1611 INIRENA-2932 23-Aug-19 Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. Municipio de Cuautla: Cumbre de Guadalupe, Sierra Cacoma Jalisco 20.168991, -104.684925 2353 m
CIG-1612 INIRENA-2933 23-Aug-19 Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. Municipio de Cuautla: Cumbre de Guadalupe, Sierra Cacoma Jalisco 20.168991, -104.684925 2353 m
CIG-1613 INIRENA-2934 23-Aug-19 Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. Municipio de Cuautla: Cumbre de Guadalupe, Sierra Cacoma Jalisco 20.168991, -104.684925 2353 m
CIG-1700 INIRENA-2935 21-Jun-20 Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. Municipio de Atemajac de Brizuela: Presa near Atemajac Jalisco 20.1151731, -103.7036033 2422 m
CIG-1701 INIRENA-2936 21-Jun-20 Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. Municipio de Atemajac de Brizuela: Presa near Atemajac Jalisco 20.1151731, -103.7036033 2422 m
CIG-1738 INIRENA 2939 29-Jun-20 Thamnophis scalaris Municipio de Huitzilac: Volcán Chichinautzín Morelos 19.08675, -99.148971 3278 m
CIG-1781 INIRENA 2937 12-Jul-20 Thamnophis scalaris Municipio de Pinal de Amoles: 1.0 km N of Pinal de Amoles Querétaro 21.1431, -99.6222 2241 m
CIG-1782 INIRENA 29378 13-Jul-20 Thamnophis scalaris Municipio de Pinal de Amoles: 1.0 km N of Pinal de Amoles Querétaro 21.1431, -99.6222 2241 m
CIG-1739 pending 29-Jun-20 Thamnophis scaliger Municipio de Atlacomulco: Tecoac México 19.77559, -99.845494 2525 m
CIG-1740 pending 29-Jun-20 Thamnophis scaliger Municipio de Atlacomulco: Tecoac México 19.77559, -99.845494 2525 m
CIG-1789 pending 01-Aug-20 Thamnophis scaliger Municipio de Ocampo: 8 km NW of Ocampo, on Hwy. 51 Guanajuato 21.718780, -101.507760 2273 m
CIG-1961 pending 04-Jul-21 Thamnophis scaliger Municipio de Hidalgo: 6.4 km NNE of Mil Cumbres Michoacán 19.664948, -100.750429 2308 m
CIG-1989 pending 04-Jul-21 Thamnophis scaliger Municipio de Hidalgo: 6.4 km NNE of Mil Cumbres Michoacán 19.664948, -100.750429 2308 m
CIG-1203 pending 01-Jul-17 Thamnophis bogerti Municipio: San Juan Atepec: Llano de las Flores, Sierra Juarez Oaxaca 17.440299, -96.508401 2912 m
CIG-1913 pending 19-Jun-21 Thamnophis validus Municipio de Coahuayana: Hwy. 200 at Coahuayana Rd. Michoacán 18.67476, -103.67911 15 m
CIG-1952 pending 05-Jul-21 Thamnophis vicinus Municipio de Charo: pond near Pontezuelas Michoacán 19.641433, -100.995025 2233 m
CIG-1953 pending 05-Jul-21 Thamnophis vicinus Municipio de Charo: pond near Pontezuelas Michoacán 19.641433, -100.995025 2233 m
AEVB-0095 pending 03-Nov-17 Thamnophis chrysocephalus Municipio de Los Reyes: Finca Santa Martha Veracruz 18.652957, -97.009057 1421 m
AEVB-0136 pending 26-Mar-18 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Tejupilco: El Tule México 19.0161, -100.11149 1562 m
AEVB-0005 pending 05-Feb-17 Thamnophis scalaris Municipio de Zacatlán: Valle de piedras encimadas Puebla 20.024296, -98.050986 2535 m
AEVB-0027 pending 05-Feb-17 Thamnophis scalaris Municipio de Zacatlán: Valle de piedras encimadas Puebla 20.024296, -98.050986 2535 m
AEVB-0041 pending 19-Nov-16 Thamnophis scalaris Municipio de Acajete: La Joya Veracruz 19.618235, -97.023109 2170 m
AEVB-0043 pending 19-Nov-16 Thamnophis scalaris Municipio de Acajete: La Joya Veracruz 19.618235, -97.023109 2170 m
JCSG-0291 pending 28-Apr-19 Thamnophis conanti Municipio de Nogales: Sierra de Agua Veracruz 18.874395, -97.209868 2249 m
JCSG-0247 pending 21-Sep-18 Thamnophis sumichrasti Municipio de San Juan Tehuacán: El Pedregal Veracruz 18.618352, -97.047550 2130 m
LOR-0091 pending 28-Jul-18 Thamnophis chrysocephalus Municipio de Zongolica: Tlaquilpa Veracruz 18.608160, -97.113641 2325 m
LOR-0093 pending 28-Jul-18 Thamnophis conanti Municipio de Soledad Atzompa: Acultzinapa Veracruz 18.689601, -97.191876 2660 m
RICB-0366 pending NA Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Jacala: La Placita Hidalgo 20.976902, -99.211789 1425 m
UOGV-3949 pending 15-Aug-20 Thamnophis conanti Municipio de Soledad Atzompa: Acultzinapan Veracruz 18.689601, -97.191876 2660 m
UOGV-2952 pending 25-Jun-17 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Santo Domingo Tonalá: Boquerón de Tonala Oaxaca 17.63895, -97.94565 1945 m
UOGV-2987 pending 28-Jul-17 Thamnophis cyrtopsis Municipio de Tejupilco: El Tule México 19.0149, -100.1017 1540 m
UOGV-3932 pending 27-Jun-20 Thamnophis scalaris Municipio de Nogales: Santa Cruz Veracruz 18.8741683, -97.2063083 2211 m
UOGV-3692 pending 16-Sep-19 Thamnophis eques Municipio de El Tule: Carretera 23 en dirección a Guachochi Chihuahua 27.0644, -106.26837 1552 m
UOGV-3742 pending NA Thamnophis aff. chrysocephalus Municipio de Tecpan de Galeana: El Pinito Guerrero 17.5730, -100.5660 1986 m

Appendix 2

Table A2.

Genbank accession numbers used in this study. New sequences generated by us are indicated in bold.

Species Locality Catalogue # Cytb ND4
Nerodia erythrogaster USA: Texas, San Saba Co. CU12550 AF420081 AF420084
Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. Mexico: Jalisco, Atemajac de Brizuela CIG1700 / INIRENA2935 - PP273357
Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. Mexico: Jalisco, Sierra Cacoma CIG0500 / MZFC4593 - PP273368
Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. Mexico: Jalisco, Atemajac de Brizuela CIG1701 / INIRENA2936 PP273342 PP273358
Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov. Mexico: Jalisco, Sierra Cacoma CIG1609 / MZFZ 4595 PP273343 PP273354
Thamnophis atratus USA: California CU12418 AF420085 AF420088
Thamnophis bogerti Mexico: Oaxaca MZFC ART 145 AF420135 AF420138
Thamnophis bogerti Mexico: Oaxaca, La Doncella CIG1936 PP273312 -
Thamnophis bogerti Mexico: Oaxaca, La Doncella CIG1937 PP273313 -
Thamnophis bogerti Mexico: Oaxaca, San Augustin Loxicha CIG1938 PP273314 -
Thamnophis brachystoma USA: Pennsylvania CU12379, CAS163984 AF420089 AF420092
Thamnophis butleri USA: Michigan, Monroe Co. CU12511 AF420107 AF420095
Thamnophis chrysocephalus Mexico: Guerrero, Puerto del Gallo CIG1468 PP273310 PP273352
Thamnophis chrysocephalus Mexico: Guerrero, Tecpan de Galeana UOGV3742 PP273311 PP273375
Thamnophis chrysocephalus Mexico: Oaxaca MZFC-WSB 767 AF420108 AF420098
Thamnophis chrysocephalus Mexico: Veracruz, Los Reyes AEVB095 PP273315 PP273350
Thamnophis chrysocephalus Mexico: Veracruz, Zongolica LOR0091 PP273316 PP273370
Thamnophis chrysocephalus Mexico: Veracruz, Zongolica RH13118 PP273317 -
Thamnophisconanti Mexico: Veracruz, Atzompa LOR0093 PP273318 PP273371
Thamnophisconanti Mexico: Veracruz, Atzompa UOGV3949 PP273319 -
Thamnophisconanti Mexico: Veracruz, Nogales JCSG291 PP273320 -
Thamnophis copei Mexico: Jalisco, Sierra Quila CIG1856 MZ287373 MZ287399
Thamnophis couchii USA: California, Lassen Co. CAS165838 AF420103 AF420106
Thamnophis cyrtopsis Mexico: Hidalgo, Jacala RICB366 - PP273372
Thamnophis cyrtopsis Mexico: Mexico State AEVB136 - PP273349
Thamnophis cyrtopsis Mexico: Mexico, Tejupilco UOGV2987 PP273321 -
Thamnophis cyrtopsis Mexico: Michoacan, Tzitzio CIG1952 PP273322 -
Thamnophis cyrtopsis Mexico: Michoacan, Tzitzio CIG1953 PP273345 -
Thamnophis cyrtopsis Mexico: Nayarit, Cerro San Juan CIG1990 PP273323 -
Thamnophis cyrtopsis Mexico: Oaxaca, Santo Domingo Tonala UOGV3169 - PP273373
Thamnophis cyrtopsis Mexico: Oaxaca, Boqueron de Tonala UOGV2952 PP273324 -
Thamnophis cyrtopsis Mexico: Querétaro, Cerro Zamorano CIG1801 - PP273362
Thamnophis cyrtopsis Mexico: San Luis Potosí, Sierra de Catorce CIG1811 - PP273363
Thamnophis cyrtopsis Mexico: San Luis Potosí, Sierra de Catorce CIG1812 - PP273364
Thamnophis cyrtopsis Mexico: Sonora, Yecora CIG2006 PP273325 -
Thamnophis cyrtopsis Mexico: Veracruz, Zongolica RH13119 PP273326 -
Thamnophis cyrtopsis Mexico: Zacatecas, Villa Gonzalez Ortega CIG1677 - PP273356
Thamnophis cyrtopsis Mexico: San Luis Potosí, Real de Catorce CIG0805 - PP273369
Thamnophis cyrtopsis collaris Mexico: Guerrero, El Miraval LACM130112 AF420099 AF420102
Thamnophis cyrtopsis cyrtopsis USA: Arizona, Pima Co. ADQ194A AF420109 AF420112
Thamnophis elegans hueyi Mexico: Baja California, Sierra San Pedro Martir CIG1314 PP273327 -
Thamnophis elegans terrestris USA: California, Sonoma Co. CAS219410 AF420113 AF420116
Thamnophis eques Mexico: Chihuahua, Guachochi UOGV3692 - PP273374
Thamnophis eques Mexico: Puebla, Rancho Las Truchas CIG1645 - PP273355
Thamnophis eques USA: Arizona, Yavapai Co. CU12516 AF420117 AF420120
Thamnophis errans Mexico: Chihuahua, Guadalupe y Calvo CIG1862 - PP273366
Thamnophis errans Mexico: Durango, Charcas CIG1563 - PP273353
Thamnophis errans Mexico: Durango, Mil Diez LSUMZ40836 AF420121 AF420124
Thamnophis exsul Mexico: Nuevo León, Peña Nevada CIG1834 - PP273365
Thamnophis exsul Mexico: Nuevo Leon, Peña Nevada CAS218283 AF420125 AF420128
Thamnophis foxi Mexico: Durango, Mil Diez LSUMZ40846 AF420069 AF420072
Thamnophis fulvus Mexico: Chiapas, Union de Juarez CIG1001 - PP273351
Thamnophis fulvus Guatemala: Quiche UTA42315 AF420129 AF420132
Thamnophis gigas USA: California, Colousa Co. LSUMZ44368 AF420133 AF420134
Thamnophis hammondii USA: California, San Bernardino Co. CAS179062 AF420139 AF420142
Thamnophislineri Mexico: Oaxaca, Sierra Juarez CIG1203 PP273329 -
Thamnophis marcianus USA: Texas CU12387 AF420143 AF420146
Thamnophis melanogaster Mexico: Jalisco, Chapala CAS165420 AF420147 AF420150
Thamnophis mendax Mexico: Tamaulipas, Gomes Farías R. Highton AF420151 -
Thamnophis nigronuchalis Mexico: Durango, El Salto LSUMZ40830 AF420153 AF420156
Thamnophis ordinoides USA: California, Del Norte Co. CU12461 AF420157 AF420160
Thamnophis proximus USA: Texas, San Saba Co. CU12397 AF420161 AF420164
Thamnophis pulchrilatus Mexico: Nuevo León, Peña Nevada CAS 218285 AF420165 AF420168
Thamnophis radix USA: Colorado, Denver Co. CAS214183 AF420169 AF420172
Thamnophis rufipunctatus USA: New Mexico, Catrom Co. CU12457 AF420173 AF420176
Thamnophis saurita USA: Florida, Okeechobee CAS204801 AF420177 AF420180
Thamnophis scalaris Mexico: Estado de Mexico, Navajas CAS214292 AF420181 AF420184
Thamnophis scalaris Mexico: Estado de Mexico, Villa Victoria LSUMZ42638 AF420185 AF420188
Thamnophis scalaris Mexico: Morelos, Chichinautzin CIG1738 / INIERNA2939 PP273330 PP273359
Thamnophis scalaris Mexico: Puebla, Zacatlan AEVB005 PP273336 PP273347
Thamnophis scalaris Mexico: Puebla, Zacatlan AEVB027 PP273331 -
Thamnophis scalaris Mexico: Queretaro, Pinal de Amoles CIG1781 / INIRENA2937 PP273332 -
Thamnophis scalaris Mexico: Queretaro, Pinal de Amoles CIG1782 / INIRENA2938 PP273333 PP273360
Thamnophis scalaris Mexico: Veracruz, La Joya AEVB104 - PP273348
Thamnophis scalaris Mexico: Veracruz, Acajete AEVB041 PP273334 -
Thamnophis scalaris Mexico: Veracruz, Acajete AEVB043 PP273335 PP273346
Thamnophis scalaris Mexico: Veracruz, Nogales UOGV3932 PP273337 PP273376
Thamnophis scaliger Mexico: Estado de Mexico, Atizapán CAS214293 AF420189 AF420192
Thamnophis scaliger Mexico: Guanajuato, Ocampo CIG1789 PP273338 PP273361
Thamnophis scaliger Mexico: Mexico, Tecoac CIG1739 PP273339 -
Thamnophis scaliger Mexico: Mexico, Tecoac CIG1740 PP273340 -
Thamnophis scaliger Mexico: Michoacan, Mil Cumbres CIG1989 PP273341 PP273367
Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis USA: California, Santa Clara LSUMZ37914 AF420193 AF420196
Thamnophis sumichrasti Mexico: Queretaro MZFC8869 AF420197 AF420200
Thamnophis sumichrasti Mexico: Veracruz, San Juan Texhuacan JCSG247 PP273344 -
Tropidoclonion lineatum USA: Kansas, Geary Co. CAS174301 AF420205 AF420208

Supplementary materials

Supplementary material 1 

Cytb phylogenetic tree

Author: Jacobo Reyes-Velasco

Data type: pdf

Explanation note: Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic inference of members of the genus Thamnophis and closely related genera, based on the mitochondrial gene Cytb.

This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.
Download file (279.45 kb)
Supplementary material 2 

ND4 phylogenetic tree

Author: Jacobo Reyes-Velasco

Data type: pdf

Explanation note: Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic inference of members of the genus Thamnophis and closely related genera, based on the mitochondrial gene ND4.

This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.
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Supplementary material 3 

BI phylogenetic tree

Author: Jacobo Reyes-Velasco

Data type: pdf

Explanation note: Concatenated Bayesian Inference phylogenetic tree based on the mitochondrial genes Cytb and ND4 for members of the genus Thamnophis and closely related genera.

This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.
Download file (276.45 kb)
Supplementary material 4 

Genetic distance

Author: Jacobo Reyes-Velasco

Data type: xlsx

Explanation note: : Genetic distance table of the genetic distances of Cytb and ND4 of numerous samples Thamnophis and related Natricinae.

This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.
Download file (44.71 kb)
Supplementary material 5 

Large comparable image spread of live photographs of Thamnophis related to Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov.

Author: Christoph I. Grünwald

Data type: jpg

Explanation note: Large spread of high resolution photographs of species related to Thamnophis ahumadai sp. nov.

This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.
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