Asghar Mobaraki, Hamzeh Oraie (2024)
Melanism in the Saw-scaled Viper,
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Matteo R. Di Nicola, Francesco P. Faraone, Andrea V. Pozzi, Nicolò Borgianni, Lorenzo Laddaga, Jean-Lou M. C. Dorne, Gianmarco Minuti (2024)
The tale of the black viper: distribution and bioclimatic niche modelling of melanistic Vipera aspis in Italy.
Acta Herpetologica19: 13.
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Daniel Jablonski, Elias Tzoras, Alexios Panagiotopoulos, Marika Asztalos, Uwe Fritz (2023)
Genotyping the phenotypic diversity in Aegean Natrix natrix moreotica (Bedriaga, 1882) (Reptilia, Serpentes, Natricidae).
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Petronel Spaseni, Tiberiu C. Sahlean, Iulian Gherghel, Ștefan R. Zamfirescu, Ionuț C. Petreanu, Raluca Melenciuc, Cristina F. Alistar, Viorel D. Gavril, Alexandru Strugariu (2024)
Natrix natrix after dark: citizen science sheds light on the common grass snake’s nightlife.
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