Aberrant tadpoles and juvenile of B. viridis from Poland. A. Whitish tadpole with a normally pigmented one; B. Leucistic giant (52 mm–80 mm TL) tadpoles; C. Albinistic tadpoles, some of which are undergoing metamorphosis; D. Freshly metamorphosed albinistic individual. Eyes are red, which classifies this individual as a complete albino.
Part of: Szkudlarek M, Kaczmarek JM, Piasecka M, Grenas W, Kaczmarski M (2022) Gigantism in tadpoles and color anomalies in European green toad Bufotes viridis from Poland. Herpetozoa 35: 95-98. https://doi.org/10.3897/herpetozoa.35.e84228