Lukas Landler, Stephan Burgstaller, Silke Schweiger (2023)
Land-use preferences of the European green toad (Bufotes viridis) in the city of Vienna (Austria): the importance of open land in urban environments.
Frontiers in Zoology20: .
DOI: 10.1186/s12983-022-00480-x
Cantekin Dursun, Nurhayat Özdemir, Serkan Gül (2023)
Easternmost distribution of Bufo bufo (Linnaeus, 1758) in Türkiye: implications for the putative contact zone between B. bufo and B. verrucosissimus.
Genetica151: 11.
DOI: 10.1007/s10709-022-00175-5
Martina Staufer, Stephan Burgstaller, András Horvath, Lukas Landler (2023)
Temporal and spatial variations in local sex ratios in a suburban population of the European green toad Bufotes viridis.
BMC Ecology and Evolution23: .
DOI: 10.1186/s12862-023-02106-0
Lukas Landler, Stephan Burgstaller, Magdalena Spießberger, Andras Horvath, Zhivko Zhelev, Ivelin Mollov, Ulrich Sinsch, Johannes Nepita, Florian Schwabel, Wolfgang Kuhn, Christian Köbele, Heinz Sedlmeier, Cornelia Amon, Joanna Mazgajska, Tomasz D. Mazgajski, Amir Sistani, Rieke Schluckebier, Eberhard Andrä, Moritz Ott, Günter Gollmann (2022)
A Unified Approach to Analysis of Body Condition in Green Toads.
Diversity15: 43.
DOI: 10.3390/d15010043
Bruno Bekić, Anamarija Žagar, Tatjana Simčič, Branimir Hackenberger Kutuzović, Olga Jovanović Glavaš (2024)
Effects of alpha-cypermethrin and difenoconazole on survival, growth and biomarkers in European green toad tadpoles (Bufotes viridis, Laurenti 1768).
Basic and Applied Herpetology
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DOI: 10.11160/bah.285
Zsuzsanna MÁRTON, Barbara BARTA, Csaba F. VAD, Beáta SZABÓ, Andrew J. HAMER, Vivien KARDOS, Csilla LASKAI, Ádám FIERPASZ, Zsófia HORVÁTH (2025)
Effects of urbanisation, habitat characteristics, and management on garden pond biodiversity: Findings from a large-scale citizen science survey.
Landscape and Urban Planning257: 105299.
DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2025.105299
Magdalena Spieẞberger, Stephan Burgstaller, Marion Mesnil, Michael S. Painter, Lukas Landler (2023)
Telemetry and Accelerometer Tracking of Green Toads in an Urban Habitat: Methodological Notes and Preliminary Findings.
Diversity15: 328.
DOI: 10.3390/d15030328
Viktória Vargová, Monika Balogová, Petronela Pristašová, Peter Kaňuch, Marcel Uhrin (2024)
Spatiotemporal dynamics in the roosting ecology of the green toad: Implications for urban planning and nature conservation.
Journal for Nature Conservation77: 126543.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jnc.2023.126543
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