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Video A1
Data type: MP4 file
Explanation note: Oligodon fasciolatus in the initial phase of attacking Kaloula pulchra which is inflating its lungs. The snake makes eight counterclockwise rotations about its own longitudinal body axis as it is biting and holding the belly of the frog. Observation #1, Ban Phue, Thailand, 15 September 2020 at 06:17 h. Recorded by NK.
Video A2
Data type: MP4 file
Explanation note: Oligodon fasciolatus swallows Kaloula pulchra whole after having killed it. Observation #1, Ban Phue, Thailand, 15 September 2020 at 06:36 h. Recorded by NK.
Video A3
Data type: MP4 file
Explanation note: Oligodon formosanus has, during its feeding attack, inserted its head into the abdomen of Kaloula pulchra as it performs 12 clockwise rotations (it is apparently in the process of making its thirteenth rotation as the video stops). Observation #2, Wang Tong, Lantau Island, Hong Kong, 2 October 2020 from approx. 09:10 to 09:11 h. Recorded by Jonathan Rotbart.
Video A4
Data type: MP4 file
Explanation note: Oligodon formosanus still has its head inserted into the abdomen of Kaloula pulchra. During the initial immobility of both individuals, the frog moves its long fourth toe of the left hind foot up and down 21 times. During the subsequent active struggle, the snake makes three rotations, first two counterclockwise, then one clockwise. Observation #2, Wang Tong, Lantau Island, Hong Kong, 2 October 2020 from approx. 09:12 to 09:13. Recorded by Jonathan Rotbart..
Video A5
Data type: MOV file
Explanation note: Oligodon formosanus has cut open the abdomen of Kaloula pulchra and has extracted several organs which it is biting and chewing and apparently in the process of swallowing. Observation #3, Caribbean Coast, Lantau Island, Hong Kong, 8 October 2020 at approx. 17:30 h. Recorded by Vince Natteri.