Sylvie Veyrenc, Christophe Regnault, Sophie Sroda, Muriel Raveton, Stéphane Reynaud (2022)
An amphibian high fat diet model confirms that endocrine disruptors can induce a metabolic syndrome in wild green frogs (Pelophylax spp. complex).
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Omar Lenzi, Kurt Grossenbacher, Silvia Zumbach, Beatrice Lüscher, Sarah Althaus, Marco Thoma, Daniela Schmocker, Helmut Recher, Arpat Ozgul, Benedikt R. Schmidt (2024)
Interplay of abiotic conditions, density, and body size in shaping demography in a high‐elevation toad population.
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Octavian Craioveanu, Karina Teslovan, Alin David, Cristina Craioveanu (2023)
A laboratory experimental assessment of the sensibility of Rana temporaria tadpoles to the effects of car traffic-associated seismic disturbances.
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Francisco Javier Zamora-Camacho (2025)
We are what what we eat eats: the effects of prey diet on growth, development, behavior and survival of a secondary consumer.
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